Why Writing Is not Important to Me | Teen Ink

Why Writing Is not Important to Me

January 10, 2017
By scvonbe BRONZE, Blue Mound, Illinois
scvonbe BRONZE, Blue Mound, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Writing has never been very important to me. While I don’t really hate writing, I rarely enjoy it. I have several recurring problems throughout my writing. I stare at a blank screen and think for long periods of time about how to start it off on a strong note. I put it off until it becomes more stressful and unrealistic to make it good. I often have an idea that I dislike, but I have a hard time moving on from the idea.

One result of not enjoying writing very much is that I only write if I have to. I have no driving force that makes me want to write down my thoughts, my ideas, or any stories. I don’t really have anything I want to write about. If I have any ideas that I really think are great, I just share them with my friends and some of my family. So much of my writing has been at school that I associate writing with a deadline and a little bit of stress, and it feels unnatural to make something on my own. I also usually have other things that I would prefer to do.

Sometime, the other things that I would rather do are different creative outlets. For example, I enjoy drawing occasionally. One reason that I prefer this to writing is that drawing has no rules. When writing, if I try to do something that would go against convention, it bothers me a lot. It is also harder for me to show my writing to friends and family. I just watch as they are reading and wonder what they dislike about it.

I also don’t enjoy the process of writing. One reason is that I have highly unrealistic expectations of what I will create. I always want every sentence to rhyme, contain alliteration, or other special things like this. I criticize my work harshly for this reason. This makes the whole process less enjoyable and take way longer than it should.

To put it simply, I don’t enjoy writing. Writing is like a repetitive song that I have heard plenty of times already. I doubt I am the only one who has these problems with writing, and I bet a lot of those people still find a way to enjoy writing, but I guess I have an added problem of not connecting with my writing. I can see why people enjoy it, and I can sometimes feel a little bit of satisfaction from it, but, in general, writing is not an enjoyable or important experience for me.

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