Letters to Austin | Teen Ink

Letters to Austin

December 5, 2017
By Anonymous

“Nick who are your best friends?” I ask my brother sitting on the brick wall waiting for our mom to finish teaching.
“Well Logan, Collins, Jake and Cole are my best friends but Austin is my wing man, my brother,” he continued kicking the ball he found.

Saying Austin’s name in that sentence pained me a little. See I loved Nick but I was in love with Austin.


Dear Austin,
I don’t think anyone has noticed your eye’s like I have. Your eye’s are two blue oceans crashing into my heart. I melt everytime I see them. I get lost in the blueness of your eye’s. See, Austin I have fallen for your eye’s. I have fallen deeply and madly in love with you. All those times we spent hanging out meant so much to me. When we would watch the clouds in the sky I thought of your eye’s, the blue sky was your favorite thing to watch. Just like your eye’s were mine. Blue became my favorite color because of your eye’s. Everyone thought it was because it was Niall Horan’s favorite color and I was just copying him, but it was because of your eye’s Austin.


“Olivia, you awake?” asked Austin
“Yeah I am,” I said
“Oh okay,” he whispered
“I can’t sleep,”
“Hey Olivia, have you ever noticed how black the sky is?”
“No,” I said looking up at the dark black sky
“Well do you now notice?” he asked yawning
“Yeah it really is dark,”
“I’m going to try and sleep,”
“Okay,” I said closing my eyes.

Dear Austin,
Do you remember the night we slept outside, that hot summer night when we couldn’t sleep. When you asked if I’ve ever noticed how dark the sky is? Well that was the last time we talked until the accident. Austin you were just walking, the car came out of nowhere. The car hit the you and you flew off the car, shattering the windshield with your head, landing on the ground. You told Alex you were ok, that your ankle was just hurt, but you were still rushed to the hospital. Come to find out your ankle was shattered and had no head injuries. I remember when my mom came into tell me what happened. “Austin was hit by a car,” she said crying. You were like her third son. “Oh is he ok?,” I asked. “I don’t know,” she said. Once she left I started to cry a little. I hoped you were ok because I can’t live without those blue eyes. My love grew stronger when I found out you were ok. That summer sucked for everyone, you couldn’t do anything. The worst of that summer was Taylor dying, she meant a lot to all of us. Seeing those beautiful blue eyes fill with tears hurt me. The same way hearing about your accident had put me in pain. Well that’s all for now Austin.

“Can we go?” Nick asked my mom.
“Go where?” I butted into the conversation.
“Nowhere,” he said.
“Yes but you have to take Olivia,” my mom said.
“Fine,” Nick said rolling his eyes.
“Where are we going?” I asked
“Six Flags,” he said walking away
I hated Six Flags but Austin was going so I was going.


“Austin I’m scared,” I said sitting down on roller coaster set it was sweaty from the person before me.
“Don’t be, I’ll be right next to you,”
We were going on Superman.
“In 3,2,1,” the lady yelled. And off we went. I screamed the whole way but Austin held my hand and helped me feel safe. 

Dear Austin,
After Six Flags I think that when I saw we had two different loves for each other. I had the love for dating, and you had the love as if I was your little sister. See that hurt,  you protecting me when we went on Superman, you protecting as if I was your little sister. Do I think our love will ever be the same?  No I don’t, I love you and you love me as a sister. I will never be Mrs. Austin Ross, I will be Miss Olivia Adams. But I hope you will always love me as a sister because hey you still love me right?


Those blue eyes were not going to distract me, not today. We are playing Basketball at Austin’s  house, his dad just built a outdoor sport court. I was good at Basketball but not amazing like Nick or Austin but I was better than Logan.

It was a hot july afternoon, and the smell of summer bbq filled the air from all the neighbors.

“Okay Olivia and Nick against me and Logan,” Austin said passing the ball to Nick.
“Let games begin,” Logan said getting in position
“Don’t suck Olivia,” Nick said passing me the ball.
“Thanks for the encouragement bro,” I said dribbling the ball.

Don’t look at the eyes, don’t look at the eyes. And boom I looked in his eyes and Austin took the ball away from me.

Dear Austin,
Oh man you’re good at basketball, but I don’t know how I did it but I did I beat you in Basketball. After the two on two we went onto one on one. “Austin against Olivia,” Nick said giving the ball to to Austin. I don’t know if you let me win but I did win and if you let me thanks for that I have always wanted to win and you gave that to me. After the game we went inside when I’m with Nick and his friend they always try to leave me behind. But when Nick’s with his wing man I’m always involved. So thank you for that, involving me mean the world to me. When you're around I’m not Nick’s little sister I’m Olivia. Austin you mean the world to me. You know the saying “When you love them, let them go,” well Austin I love you so I’m going to let you go. You will alway be my first love, and I will always remember those blue eyes but I’m growing up and it’s time to let go. Goodbye Austin.

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