American Farmers Bureau Association | Teen Ink

American Farmers Bureau Association

December 13, 2017
By Anonymous

Whether or not people should be in associations is a debatable topic depending on their standpoint. The American Farmers Bureau is an association for farmers all around the world.  It  has great benefits, allows people all around the world to earn income, and it is the voice of agriculture in America.

The American Farmers Bureau Association has many great benefits. These benefits can range from hotel deals to deals on farm equipment. An example of one of the great deals that this association has to offer is “[u]p to 20% off published rates at participating Choice Hotels”  (Maximize). This is one of the hotel deals that is included if a farmer is part of the association. This deal may appeal more to some than others, but for farmers who travel a lot, this is one of a couple deals that is included on hotels. Another benefit to being in the association is office/home store coupons/deals One example is “[s]ave up to 80% off preferred products, next-day delivery with free shipping on orders over $50” at Office Depot (Maximize). Most farming requires some desk work, so at Office Depot the farmers can get very high quality items for a very discounted price. There is more to farming than just the dirty work, but finanes is key too. Now, for those who are in the association, the cost of equipment can be very expensive, but with “$2,500 off select Caterpillar agricultural construction equipment,” farmers can save some of their hard earned cash (Maximize). Farmers can make the cost of new equipment more affordable, and keep more money in their pocket. There are many more great benefits that the American Farmers Bureau has to offer too.

 American Farmers Bureau is the voice of agriculture. Without this association who knows if agriculture would even still exist today? It  wants  agriculture to be successful so “[t]heir goal [is] speaking for themselves through their own national organization” (About). They want to become more national as they stand for the agriculture in efforts to protect and advocate for agriculture in America. Most of what the association board does is volunteer work, and they do not get paid for it so they really truly do care.The “Farm Bureau is an independent, non-governmental, voluntary organization governed by and representing farm and ranch families united for the purpose of analyzing their problems and formulating action to achieve educational improvement, economic opportunity and social advancement and, thereby, to promote the national well-being” (About). This proves that they really do want what is best for agriculture, so that way they can still be largely present in the US. The “members unite to speak out on issues of concern for the nation’s farmers and ranchers” (About). The farmers will discuss a variety of many topics in order to do what they need to be successful and be the voice. All the farmers in the association will stand together. Then, their ultimate goal, to keep Americas agriculture strong, and present, as they are the voice and in order to be a successful country we need farming and agriculture.

Without agriculture in America people would struggle to get food on the table every day. People need agriculture in order to stay healthy and provide good healthy meals for families and others.One fact that supports this is “[o]ne U.S. farm feeds 165 people annually in the U.S. and abroad” (Facts). People need American farms because they are one of the main food supplies not only in the US but in other countries too. Agriculture is a key part of America's income from other countries: “In 2016, $135.5 billion worth of American agricultural products were exported around the world” (Facts). This number shows that part of our economy depends on agriculture and that without agriculture the world will not be the same in certain aspects.  Other countries need our agricultural support and we need their money, some of America's income is because of agriculture so this association helps support that cause.The demand for corn has grown a ton in the past decade: “Total U.S. corn yield (tons per acre) has increased more than 360 percent since 1950” (Facts). The drive and want of corn has clearly increased a ton over the years, so it is important that the people get what they want and that the corn farmers can be supported by the American Farmers Bureau Association so that way America's agricultural industry can stay strong. Not only do Americans need the American agriculture but so do other countries, and so does our economy.

Farmers should join the American Farmers Bureau Association. There is no reason why a farmer who wants to be successful in American should not join the American Farmers Bureau Association. There are numerous advantages, the people of America and other countries need it, and they are the voice of agriculturfarming in the American government. Therefore, the American Farmers Bureau Association is a great association for American farmers to be in.     

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