The Shame I Feel | Teen Ink

The Shame I Feel

February 27, 2018
By r.drippy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
r.drippy BRONZE, Sacramento, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
She's a saint with the lips of a sinner <br /> She's an angel with a devilish kiss

I feel like i'm putting my family so shame, like my older brother. It's also my fault because i should know better but i don't. In 8th grade, I started to get suspended and finally i ended up getting half days. My best friend got into a fight and 2 weeks later I end up going to the school district. They made my dad cry because of some lies that were told but they're decision was to send me to a magnet school. I felt so bad to put my mom and dad through this situation again. But the good thing was that I ended getting a 3.6 GPA and I am glad for that.

The author's comments:

this is all the truth. and I'm sorry if it doesnt sound okay, I tried 

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