How To Throw A Knife | Teen Ink

How To Throw A Knife

May 12, 2021
By Qcmbr BRONZE, M, Oregon
Qcmbr BRONZE, M, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

How To Throw A Knife

In almost every show there's a knife thrower in the avatar in the Mandalorian, and so many more Have you ever looked at them and thought wow that wish I could do that Well… you can! In this short story, I will tell you the basics of knife throwing along with what targets to use what knives to get and how to actually throw them!

Throwing knives is dangerous and should be taken seriously though it is fun. You should stand a good distance away and wear the necessary protection. Also, be aware of what is behind your target if you are close to a window or something that breaks easily.

To throw a knife consistently, you need to throw at the right thing. The best target I have found is called end grain it is made by cutting a stump about two inches from the top making a circular tree stump that is skinny and light enough to hang on a tree. If done properly the end grain should have the rings of the tree in the front and back and it should be round. A side note on the matter of target placement is you should watch out for small bushes or ground cover because it is easy to lose your knives in those.

There are a few knife types that I would like to recommend all of which can be found on Amazon. The first type is the soft steel throwing knives by Smith and Wesson -I use these personally and think they are great! The next type of throwing knives I would like to recommend are throwing quills these are less advanced than their brother the throwing knife. The quills can be found on Amazon for ten dollars and the knives are fifteen- both come in sets of three. Now for the throwing, you want to find the center of balance on your knife you can do this by balancing it on your finger and the spot that it balances in is the center. If you buy the knives by Smith and Wesson it is right above the hole in the center. Next, put your index finger on the skinny side at the center of balance and wrap your other fingers loosely around the handle and flick it downward if your knife doesn’t stick, adjust your hand placement and step farther away or closer. Once you stick one in the target mark the spot you are standing in and practice until it is muscle memory!

The author's comments:

This is only a beginner guide If you want more detail on how to throw knives take a class or watch youtube videos on it.

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