Play Ball? | Teen Ink

Play Ball? MAG

By Anonymous

   The players are back and understandably so are the fans. After all, what's better than going to a stadium and squeezing to find a seat among 30,000 people. By coming back, we support the players and owners who were arguing about whether they should get three or four million dollars, when I don't have enough money to buy a birthday present for my little sister!

Get real, people, the only exciting part about baseball is the beach ball they knock around the stands in center field. The only movement you see are the vendors walking up and down the aisles selling hot dogs for five dollars and cokes for three dollars. Now that sounds like fun. As far as I'm concerned, they can go back on strike and never play again. At least they'll know what it's like to make a living and not have it handed to them on a silver platter. l

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This article has 1 comment.

disagree said...
on Oct. 21 2010 at 11:51 pm
alright man i disagree with you on this one. The only movement you see is the people selling hot dogs really. If your going to dis a sport, know your stuff!!