Football | Teen Ink


May 17, 2011
By Joshua Bonham BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
Joshua Bonham BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have been seeing an odd move in our country that has a very negative spin on the sport of football. I have heard nothing but constant complaining about steroids this, spoiled professionals this or concussions that, but we never seem to hear about the positive aspect of football. Don’t get me wrong I started out as a football critic. When I was a younger boy I hated everything that I knew about football. Then along came seventh grade and I fell in love with something that is so much more than a mere sport. Football brings discipline and order to a junior higher's world that is riddled with more chaos than anybody seems to give it credit for. Football gave me an outlet that allowed me to exert my hormone-ridden frustration in a constructive way. This sport kept me from getting into a bunch of fights because the coaches kept me so worn out that I didn’t have the energy to start the fights. My playing of football has helped me to develop an enormous work ethic. The business that football brings into my life helps me to focus on my grades because I don’t have a lot of time to procrastinate on my schoolwork. Football is not a perfect sport that solves all of your problems. I am not arguing that there needs to be more regulation of concussion's in football, but I am saying that football is responsible for bringing more good into the players lives than what it gets credit for.

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