Running | Teen Ink


April 11, 2013
By Anonymous

Running is a good way to get active and get healthy. Not only does running get you in better shape but it helps you live a healthy life, and a healthy life means living longer. Running is also a healthy activity to do every day because you are exposed to the fresh air get to see the world around you differently than you would driving around.

Starting to run is very simple. Many people believe that it is difficult to begin running and even harder to maintain running for a while. To begin running and keep it up for a while to main a healthy lifestyle there is a couple of ways you can keep it fun and interesting.

First you can do it with a friend. Not only will you always have someone with you to make sure you alright, but also will have someone to talk to on your run. But talking while running is not the best idea since you will easily run out of breathe. But running with someone is highly recommended because if anything happens to you, you will have someone there to help you. Also if you are a competitive person with your friend it will help you because you will want to keep going farther and farther to beat your friend. If you do not have a friend that will run with you, you can join a running club.

Also you can try running with music. Many people enjoy running with music because not only does it relax some people but it also motivates them too. On iPods and iPhones there are apps that are made for motivating you while you work out and on certain intervals it will talk to you giving you motivation. Music can help motivate people because when creating a running playlist people choose songs that motivate them and pump them up.

Another way to stay interested in your run is by changing the routes you run on. Change of scenery is always good for people, especially while running. Different scenes while running is good for you because you are not used to running the same thing over and over again. The change is good for you too because you get to see different things opposed to seeing the same exact route every time you go for a jog.
          So to begin running you cannot just go outside and start your running. First of all you need light shoes that support your feet. Each shoe is made differently with different supporting features so make sure your feet are properly supported. Then you need to make sure you run on certain surfaces that are good for your body. For example grass and off road surfaces are better for your feet and your body. These softer surfaces help make your muscles stronger and overall make your run better. Running on cement, for example streets and sidewalks, is bad for you because with each step you are landing on a hard surface which is not good for your body.

When running during the summer you should make sure to check the weather. When the temperature is in the upper 90s and the humidity is high then you should not run because the heat will make it harder for you to breathe and increase the risk of something bad happening to you. Try to run in the morning or at night is better because the sun is not out so the weather is cooler making it easier to breathe. Another way to stay cool is to wear light, loose clothing. This will allow the air to go through you the clothes and keep you cool.

Hydrating yourself is key when running. When you run before and after make sure you hydrate yourself a lot. Also try to get to some water fountains during your run. The constant hydration will help you go farther and make you feel better. Along with this a nice treat after your run could be a nice swim in a pool when you get back from your run. It will be a nice way to cool you off.

Make sure you start off slow and low. Do not run fast when you first begin your runs or else it will not be a fun running experience for you. Also keep the miles low at first because you do not know how much your legs can handle when you first begin your run. Make sure to keep it slow and low when you first begin or else it will not benefit you like you want it to.

Running is a great way to live a healthy life. So rather than stay home and think about going to the gym or think about going for a run, get up and go run. You will thank yourself later for going out starting a healthier life beginning with that first run.

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