Red Heart | Teen Ink

Red Heart

May 18, 2013
By Anonymous

My book is RED Heart Tattoo and the main character is Morgan. It s written by Lurlene McDaniel. It's Teen Fiction, I like my book and I thought it was a good book that made me not want to stop reading it at certain points but I did. I like it because I felt like I was a character and,My book is some what about being worried and about love.

Morgan is the main character along with Trent which Morgan's boyfriend. Kelli Larson is a unhappy character and she is known being Morgan's best friend. Mark is Kelli's boyfriend in some chapters and they go on separate ways. Mark is also known as Trent's best friend.Roth is the tattooed up character, and is crushing on Morgan since he's been at Edison. There is Morgans mother and father named Hal.Things happen in my book horribly wrong.

Roth sets explosion which was a unspectacular sight and sound. Then Morgan got blamed for the fireworks. They said she had all that planned a secret firework display. Roth is never caught at the moment in the book ther are these two unknown character's named Apocalypse and Executioner the y are making Roth's fireworks look stupid by having a bomb explode with out anyone knowing is was them. When the bomb explodes Roth was going to late school when he was running he wondered what was going on he rushed in to see where Morgan was he seen her red hair under stairs that she was stuck under. When they got into the hospital Morgans mother comes into his room and thanks him for being a hero. Roth is blamed of doing it since he already had a bad reputation on his record. Morgan's takes up for them and Roth is not took-en to jail he is just asked to many questions.

I would have this book theme as

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