Johnny Hoch A Treasure in Waukesha | Teen Ink

Johnny Hoch A Treasure in Waukesha

May 20, 2013
By Donovan24 BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
Donovan24 BRONZE, Nashotah, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Johnny Hoch has lived in Waukesha County his whole life and is currently a teacher in the district, teaching Physical Education and Health at Arrowhead High School.

Hoch graduated from Arrowhead in 2006 and moved on to play basketball at Carroll College. Hoch is arguably one of the best players in Carroll’s history.

In the four years Hoch played at Carroll he averaged 23 points and 6 assists per game. Hoch’s career high was 39 points. Hoch was and still is an explosive guard who can get to the rim and shoot the jump shot to pure perfection. Hoch is a treasury because he is a role model and a great example of how to reach goals you want to achieve.

Hoch is a great role model and a Waukesha treasure. Hoch is a role model, because he loves kids and wants everybody to achieve more than they can imagine. Hoch will continue to do what he loves by teaching children and playing the game of basketball.

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