Senior Night | Teen Ink

Senior Night

November 20, 2013
By PGerken BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
PGerken BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
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It was a cold fall night on October 25, 2013, when it hit me that it was senior night. It was sad that it was the last home game with the seniors that I have grown closely with. All the memories I have created with the seniors will stick with me for the rest of my life. The sweat, blood, and tears with them through all the two-a-days and twe’s will never be forgotten.

Senior night is probably one of the hardest nights I’ll have to go through in any sport I play because I have created this bond that I have with the seniors, and to think that I’ll never play another home game with them is sad. I feel sad because senior night was a big rivalry game against Tinora, the school across the river, and if we won, then we would have made it to the playoff game and made the seniors high school football career last longer. However, I’m happy and glad that I have had this opportunity to play with this group of seniors, and we are sending them out on a winning note and record.

During pregame on senior night, we were all full of emotion. ‘Man this season has gone by fast it, and it seems like yesterday we had our first two-a-day,’ I thought to myself. I knew I had to do my best to send these seniors out beating Tinora. "Just think I’ll be a senior in a year and will be playing my last home game on this field, and I would want the underclassmen to contribute to sending the senior class out on a great note,” I told Skyeler.

“I would want the underclassmen to do their best to try to get the seniors a win,” said Skyeler.

Over the years we have made a senior line before the senior players go out onto the field and give them hugs and tell them how much we appreciate them for doing all they have done. Most of the seniors played even though the team wasn’t doing so well when they were freshmen, and they stuck through it. We wish them the best of luck and tell them to do their best and leave everything they have out on the field.

I was happy during the game even though we weren’t winning. Usually, when we get done or the game isn’t going our way, we all just give up. Though they scored us, we never gave up or quit. I am glad that we played our hardest until we had been taken out. I was sad after the game. It became even more emotional because I was never going to get to play with the seniors ever again at home. The giant group of crying players gathered around the blue “A” in the middle of the field not wanting the night to ever end. Giving the seniors hugs after the game and telling them how much we appreciate what they did for the football program even though some of the years were tough to get through.

Playing under the lights on Friday nights is one of the best moments I could possibly have during my high school career. These boys are my brothers; and I know that they have my back, and I have theirs. I will miss the feeling I get when I can have fun with them or pick them up when they do something wrong or when we miss our assignments. I know that the coaches believe in us, and they will have our backs no matter the situation. We give it our all no matter what it takes and know that the seniors appreciate it even though they don’t say it. The foreigners, who play on our team as exchange students from different countries, add to the memories that will last a lifetime. I’ve played football with some of the seniors since little league, so the bonds and memories will never be forgotten.

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