Tennis | Teen Ink


January 16, 2014
By sabyn farina BRONZE, Clearwater, Florida
sabyn farina BRONZE, Clearwater, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My favorite sort is tennis. Ive been playing tennis since I was eight. All of my family played tennis also. You have to move really fast when you play because you have to get to the other side in time to get to the ball. You also have to use your feet a lot! When your waiting for the ball your feet have to be lined up with your racket and you have to face the direction you want the ball to go towards. When I play I feel like I can do anything and that I can hit the ball as hard as I want or as soft as I want. You also need to have good hand technique, once you move your wrist the ball will go that direction. Once you get really good you can do a whole bunch of stuff. Like spins on the balls or turns and twists and that’s just some stuff. Then you will get faster and you’ll be able to move your arms faster and your eyes will see everything better and clearer. Tennis is a game to play. Boys and girls can do this sport. This has been my favorite sport forever and always will be!

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