Triple Overtime Miracle | Teen Ink

Triple Overtime Miracle

January 16, 2014
By Anonymous

Looking up at the clock, it seemed as if the game was over. Down by two with 1.6 seconds left, taking the ball out under our own basket. Triple overtime. In the huddle we all watched as Coach drew up the play. As I looked around the huddle, I could see looks of doubt on some of my teammate's faces.

“Let's go boys, this is ours!” We were trying to keep everyone positive. Their clapping and encouraging words allowed us all to focus on the moment and gave us the confidence we needed.

I took a last glance at the play drawn on the board. The huddle broke and we went back on the court, hoping for a miracle.

Before the referee in bounded the ball, I made eye contact with my teammate. I could see the sweat dripping down his face. The referee's blank and tired faces made me think that they just wanted the game to be over. There were people from both teams bent over with their hands on their knees. The three overtimes seemed to have taken a toll on everybody.

I thought about how I wanted the pass to come to me. I thought about the times when I was younger, counting down from five, trying to make the “game winning” shot, and I finally had the chance to do it.

The five second count began and I ran past the screen set at half court. I looked back and saw the ball flying through the air. The ball, narrowly missing the rafters in the ceiling, was coming my direction. As the ball got closer, I was focused on making the catch. The defender and I both went up for the ball. Grazing his fingers, it landed in my hands. I turned towards the hoop and shot the ball as quickly as I could. Seeing it fly through the air, I realized that it had a chance. The ball hit the right side of the rim and fell in as the buzzer sounded.

I was in momentary shock. For some reason, I couldn’t hear the crowd or my teammates. I glanced up at the clock and saw that we had won by a point. I saw Coach jumping around and yelling. Then I felt my teammates on my back and I started to get my hearing back. I heard the crowd, my coach, and my teammates who were forming a mob around me. I heard people yelling as I was picked up. The crowd noise was a constant roar, filling the gym.

Being down by two with 1.6 seconds left, taking the ball out under our own basket, I am sure that ninety-nine percent of the people in the building thought that we would lose that game, me included. A moment that I had dreamed about for as long as I can remember, had finally come true and was more exciting than I had ever imagined it would be. That moment gave me the belief that I could accomplish just about anything else that I set out to do, no matter how much the odds are against me.

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