Golfers Are Athletes | Teen Ink

Golfers Are Athletes

February 18, 2014
By Nate Bassous SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
Nate Bassous SILVER, Defiance, Ohio
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Contrary to popular belief, golf is just like any other sport. Golfers possess many of the same attributes as other athletes. Regardless of how boring or uneventful golf seems to be, a golfer puts in just as much work as any other athlete.

Some similar characteristics between golfers and all other athletes include hard work, patience, skill, physical fitness, and competition. Golf requires hard work to master. Practice is vital to succeed in golf. No one can just step onto a golf course and play well. It takes commitment and practice to do well in golf. Patience is another major part of golf. A good golfer channels his or her emotions and temper and perseveres through bad shots or rounds. It is very important to be patient because golf is a game of precision and finesse. Golfers must have skill. Just as in other sports, practice doesn’t always equal success. There needs to be an element of natural born skill. A golfer must possess the athletic genes needed to become a good player. Physical fitness is yet another quality that a good golfer needs to have. Even though not all successful golfers are prime physical specimens, most are very healthy and strong. More strength and a healthier body allow a golfer to hit the ball farther and stay away from injuries. Finally, golf has competition just like other sports. Even though a golfer isn’t defending or trying to score against his or her opponent, he or she is competing to finish above the competition. Whether in a tournament or just playing on a Saturday afternoon, golfers are striving to record the best scores they can; scores that measure up to the scores of friends or opponents.

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