NFL Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday....and Thursday, and Friday | Teen Ink

NFL Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday....and Thursday, and Friday

April 22, 2014
By Cora Tso BRONZE, Tempe, Arizona
Cora Tso BRONZE, Tempe, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Since the National Football League was created, most Americans who are not devout believers of a Jewish guy named Jesus use their Sundays for the real phenomenon- football. More families come together and celebrate football in comparison to the winter holidays Thanksgiving and Christmas. What is most phenomenal about this is that these families are not forced to be within the same house as one another. The sounds of team spirit from different homes radiate across the North American continent. That is what Canadian and Mexican citizens complain most about. Nationwide news reports regarding illegal immigration as the most prominent issue between the three countries is false. The combination of loud chants of team pride and families and friends alike chewing with their mouths open created the international problems we face as a nation today. It is due to this fact of awesomeness on our part as Americans that I propose not only NFL football on Sundays, Mondays, and Thursdays, but also the remainder of the week.

Some may rule this proclamation as insane but the majority opinion of what my office, the official Office of Citizens for the NFL Football Everyday of the Week, has discovered in an online poll on our Facebook page, was that 32 out of 53 people designated this notion as “f****** awesome.” As a company that serves the public, we respect their decision and desires and will comply with what our constituents want.

To address the unfortunate basketball fans, football is a game of strength, strategy, and rivalry. A typical NFL season is sixteen weeks long. That means some football teams only have sixteen games to make a difference. When compared to the average National Basketball Association season, some teams have the luxury of seventy to eighty games to make it into the championship bracket. Ultimately, there are eight NBA teams that make it into the finals. In regards to the NFL, only two teams make it into the game of all games, the Super Bowl. That is TWO TEAMS to make history! This means the coaches must be smart enough to know how to draw out spectacular plays, not some crap like “Omaha, Omaha!” They need to be capable to see the screen and run the ball the other way. There are only a few human beings qualified for such a prestigious position, for they hold the fate of millions of Americans hopes and dreams. Forbes magazine once wrote, “The coaches of America’s teams are the ultimate chess players. Take their pawn and they’ll rip your head off.”

The coaches are the puppet masters but the actual football players are modern day titans, warriors, fighters. It was said that the Hollywood blockbuster film, 300 was inspired by the battles they fight every Sunday in the stadium. Their strength is unmatched in society. No Crossfit or Zumba instructor can mold an athlete like an NFL player. Top of the tier players all originate from miracle births and are destined for greatness. We, as fans, see their God-given talent performed every game. It does not matter that they may suffer head concussions or torn ACLs every five years or so, they know they’re fighting for something bigger than themselves. Besides, they d*** sure don’t get paid millions of dollars to sit on the sidelines like the NBA players.

Die-hard football fans like Iluv Futbal Gaymahs, lives’ revolve around their football team. Her Sundays are devoted solely to watching her team. If they play at 2 PM, you bet Iluv is right there on her couch ready to watch her team win. Her entire mood for her week depends on the win. When interviewed by Sports Illustrated, Iluv stated that when her team loses she turns into the grumpy person in the famous Snickers commercials yet her Snickers candy bar is a winning 80-yard touchdown. When they win, she feels like her world is in order. The emotional life Iluv lives is similar to majority of Americans. If the President of the United States really cared about his country and citizens, he should create a bill to make NFL games a daily ritual. After all, what would America do without football?

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on Apr. 25 2014 at 2:51 pm
Mister_J PLATINUM, Colorado Springs, Colorado
42 articles 3 photos 17 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Captain, I wish to report a mutiny. I can name fingers and point names." - Captain Jack Sparrow

OMG, this is freakin' amazing! I'm not definite on the idea of having football on every day of the week (since football is the sport that applies the most stress on the body), but at least 5 days would be good. After all, don't NBA teams have a game at least every 2 days?