Baseball | Teen Ink


May 1, 2014
By Matt Myers BRONZE, Stone Mountain, Georgia
Matt Myers BRONZE, Stone Mountain, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Baseball can be a really interesting sport. I have been playing it since I was about 4. I started out not being that good, but like always with lots of practice comes extreme progress. I became one of the best players in my league by about my 6th year playing. Mother's day weekend my 4th grade school year I was playing a game and I slid into second and we thought I had broken my wrist. After the game was over we went to the hospital and they thought it was a buckle fracture at first, but after they took a x-ray they saw it was actually a bone sist. I had to have surgery to get it out. So, I got it and it turned out to be a benine sist. Which was very good and so that is what was wrong and I was able to do swimming and baseball once again in a couple of weeks after the surgery. From this I learned so much and I am glad the sist was benine because I could just continue my sport carrer without missing much of anything.

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 6 2014 at 12:23 pm
I am playing softball now. I don’t have so much experiences but I enjoy playing the soft ball. Also I love watching baseball. I am one of the Yankees fun. I sorry hearing that you had surgery. I got injured when I was 5yearsold during swimming. I have broken my instep because of too much using. I can understand you feeling and how hard to recover own body. Also I am happy that you and I can continue to play sports!!