My Basketball Games at Wisconsin Dells | Teen Ink

My Basketball Games at Wisconsin Dells

June 3, 2014
By Anonymous

Last summer my family and I went to the Wisconsin Dells for my basketball tournament. When we decided to go to the dells, I felt happy, because there were many things to do and I wanted to go on rides & play games, instead of playing basketball. Even though I wanted to play on rides, I knew that I had to play at my basketball games; I didn't want to let the team down.

First, my family and I drove from Milwaukee to Wisconsin Dells. Once we got to the Wisconsin Dells we ate dinner at the Great Wolf Lodge. At the Great Wolf Lodge the food was extremely good! They had many choices, and I had chocolate ice cream with whipped cream. It was delicious and it hit the spot! After we ate dinner, with a full stomach, my family and I went back to the hotel and then headed to the water park at Noah’s Arc.

We had so much fun,and we ran into friends from Milwaukee. We were having so much fun that I did not want to go to bed but had to because I had to play in the basketball game early next morning.

The Next Morning I got up at 8:00. My team and I arrived at St High School and we played Shorewood for our first game. We won our game and it was 24 to 14. We played many games that day and we won 3 games and lost 2 games. My team got first place in the tournament.

After the tournament, the team went to Pizza Pub. All of us had a huge pizza. It was so delicious. I felt like eating it all by myself. We also had many choices of drinks like Diet Pepsi, Pink Lemonade, Raspberry Lemonade, and Dr.Pepper. We ate our pizza and then we all went to our hotel room and to get ready to go the pool. After a little while, we arrived at Mt.Olympics. We had so much fun! Their water park is so huge!

First my sister and I went to the pool, then to the Hot, Hot, Hot, Hot Tub, a couple water slides, and lastly I went into the arcade.When we finished swimming in the pool and going to the arcade, my family got ready to leave because I had a lot of games the next day. The Next morning we were then on our way to the tournament.

We went to the same middle and high school. We had three games and we won two games and we lost our last game of the season. Fifteen Minutes later, Mr.Peters my coach was talking about our season and how we worked together as a team. We have procrastinated a little bit and we needed to practice more on dribbling with our head up.

When, Mr.Peters stopped talking, he said we wanted all of us to go to Mt. Olympics for a celebration. My parents said they were tired and they didn't feel like going to our hotel and changing and going going back and forth to the water park, so we stayed there. A couple hours later, we had to leave Mt.Olympics and my family had to see my auntie, who had been sick for a long time.

My parents said we had leave because my sisters and I had summer school the next day. Once we got inside the car, my mom asked if we had fun at my basketball games, seeing my friends, and swimming at Mt.Olympics. Our answer was Yes!

In Conclusion, I had so much fun doing my basketball games, seeing my friends from school, and going to Mt.Olympics for some free time, if I had any.

The author's comments:
I am a Seventh grade student.

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