4 seconds | Teen Ink

4 seconds

October 27, 2014
By tucker ward BRONZE, Concord, Michigan
tucker ward BRONZE, Concord, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One thing that has really changed my life is sports; it changes your work ethnic because you have to maintain your grades so that you can play. Also I think it makes you work harder so that you can play on the starting squad. Sports are life.
A great memory I have from sports was in 7th grade. We had a basketball game at Jonesville middle school the gym was old, dark, and little. We had been ahead the whole game, but Jonesville was a strong team that didn’t want to lose to us, we were ahead by a few points at the end of the 3rd quarter and most of the 4th. There was a few seconds left in the 4th quarter the other team had come down the quart and scored on us the tied up the game. The score was like 23-23 our ball with approximately 4 to 5 seconds left in the game; it had felt like the longest 5 seconds in my life. Our coach called timeout and we had a game plan all set up, pass the ball in get it to Charlie and let him shoot. Chase passed the ball into Riley just out of reach Riley fumbled around for the ball he had never touched it so the clock hadn’t started yet. Riley ran after the ball as fast as his legs could carry him and he just grabbed the ball before it bounced out of bounds under the hoop, he tossed it to Charlie on a B-line Charlie caught the ball on the corner o the 3 point line and the out of bounds line. There were 3 seconds to go, Charlie had the ball throws up the shot with 2 seconds he shot up a little rainbow shot. 1.9, 1.8, 1.7, 1.6 the crowd was counting it down the ball hit the rim with about .5 seconds left the ball was passing through the net and the buzzer sounds. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr the cheer from the crowd drown out the buzzer, everybody was going crazy. The other team was in shock mouths wide open sad of their loss, while we were in astonished by Charlie amazing shot, we tackled him to the ground with the best dog pile of the year. Mr. Stanton (our coach) went nuts yelling and screaming, jumping up and down pulled Charlie out of the bottom of the pile and gave him a huge squeeze. Charlie had the biggest smile on his face he was as excited as we were.
We shook hands with the other team and told them good job, walking through that line I can remember seeing all there disappointed faces made me feel a whole lot better about the win. It was a great time and it would only get better, it was the first time we had played them and defeated them at their own home court. It was fun sitting there watching the 8th grade play after we had gotten changed. Even though they lost it was a tough game, and it was a fun bus ride home. Our coach was telling us about childhood times and stories about sports. We had went on that season winning 9 and losing 3 we got second in the big 8 tournament and second on the regular season behind our much hated challengers Homer. 

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