A Brazilian Legend | Teen Ink

A Brazilian Legend

November 12, 2014
By Wildsoldier BRONZE, Glendale, California
Wildsoldier BRONZE, Glendale, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Edson Arantes do Nascimento also known as Pele, was one of the best soccer players ever existed in the history of soccer. He has led his home country, Brazil, and his club Santos to many major titles. Pele is the only soccer player who has won the World Cup three times and also became the youngest player to score in international football at the age of sixteen when he scored against rivals Argentina. He was known for his great technique and agility, which attracted many people to watch him play. Pele is the best goal scorer for both club and country, and no one has ever been able to achieve what he has achieved. Pele was so great that the Dutch legend Johan Cruyff said, “Pele was the only footballer who surpassed the boundaries of logic.” Pele ended his soccer career in the New York Cosmos in 1977 and later became the president of the New York Cosmos. Other than soccer, he also called for policies that would improve the social conditions of the poor. He became a UN ambassador for ecology and the environment in 1992 and left his position in 2001 because of being accused of involvement in a corruption scandal. Pele has received many awards for his contributions in sports and in humanitarian and environmental causes. Some the noticeable ones: the honorary award from Edinburgh University, Lifetime Achievement award from Nelson Mandela and Guinness World Records for most career goals in soccer. Recently, he was in a Subway commercial which was quite surprising. He did a couple of Subway commercials, and one of them was with Michael Phelps, the Olympic gold medalist for swimming. To this day, Pele has been considered the best soccer player in history, and is loved by many people in the world.

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on Nov. 20 2014 at 1:25 pm
Seekistguystefan BRONZE, Glendale, California
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
Nice. I feel that you portrayed your point very clearly and sufficiently. Way to go man. Dats my Boi.