Soccer | Teen Ink


April 21, 2015
By JuanBorja BRONZE, Houston, Texas
JuanBorja BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sweat, blood, and tears is what it takes to be a great soccer player. Everyone is made a player, not born a player. In MacArthur we have a soccer club for persons who enjoy the sport, and its very affective as in it helps in many ways. This club is important for the explanation that many of those soccer players want to follow their dreams of being professional. The coaches (J. Manrique, and E. Rodriguez) goal is to make the guys better soccer players. Some examples of the club are staying after school to work on each players weakness. This club is not only for people who already know how to play but also the ones with no experience. This club will benefit you in many ways such as exercising and staying fit; thats what most people want. It also benefits in thinking by the way since you have to calculate the passes and how hard you kick it etc. Many persons think that soccer is a weak sport and make fun of it but when they really try it they think is the hardest sport ever. Although some persons may not like it in my opinion i think this club is great to have in MacArthur because many persons  are interested in it and nobody wants to destroy what their career could be. This soccer club should be a normal club, and they shouldn't judge it  every person has or contains a different opinion. And as the coaches say its just to improve their skills not  to show off. The club is just a sport, either way its to back up soccer its the best sport played in the world, so thats  why many people are interested in it. This is a great club and maybe you should join someday. 

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