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October 2, 2015
By Marlon32 BRONZE, Maplewood, Missouri
Marlon32 BRONZE, Maplewood, Missouri
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It was a fine fall night, with the field lights bright. I was feeling that I was about to play a professional soccer game. It was a great night to play soccer and to witness a great high school soccer game. My school took on Bishop DuBourg High School. We and the Cavaliers have produced  bit of a rivalry over the past two years, since Brentwood is too scared to play us anymore anymore. Around 4:15 the two JV teams took the field. Right from the start our JV ran with it and never looked back. We ended up winning 6-0. That games was just to get the two varsity teams ready for a clash. Fifteen minutes later we were on the field, ready for the whistle to blow and get the game under way. The referee counts both teams to make sure their are eleven on each team, then he checks if both goalkeepers are ready. All that time builds up the suspense for the game. Me as the goalkeeper I can see everyone and everything. So I just see everyone jumping up and down getting loose, Then the whistle is blown, and Isaac kicks off the game by passing to Chris. The game was at a good tempo going back and forth on possession. Around the 20th minute in the first half they had a corner, they crossed it into the box over my head and scored giving them the lead. I was very angry giving up that goal. I always feel like it is my fault we we get scored on but then my coach tells me to let it go and get back in the game. We came back and scored on them to tie it all up with a goal by Isaac. In the second half right off the bat chris scored a goal from a header, but five minutes later I would have to face the hardest challenge I have had to face that that season. They had a penalty kick after one of my defenders used their hand to prevent a goal. Anthoney got a red card and it was up to me. So many things were running through my mind but I just knew I had to stop it. The whistle is blown and the kicker starts running and is looking at me. I am swinging my arms and jumping up and down so he will look at me, he ends up glaring at me. When I saw him doing that I take a jab to my right and then dive left right when he kicks the ball. I save it but because he hit it hard it ricochet back to him and he kicks again and Save again! I hit it right back at him again on accident so he hit it one last time and save it again this time it drops in an open space. My best defender Matt boots it away. All I can hear is every screaming my name and my teammates very happy on the bench. I was feeling i can do anything. It was one of the best feelings ever. What ruined that feeling was that 5 minutes left in the game i get scored on. I was ready to give up but Chris being the captain on the team picked me up and told me to get my head in game and that we are still in it. So I got up and yelled at my defense to pick it up and told my attackers to score. The end of regulation ended 2-2, so this meant we had to go to overtime. Our team got in a huddle and we told each other we have to score quick because it was golden goal. And that is what we did, we scored 3 minutes in and we went crazy. One of the best games of my life.

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