Dinner of Champs | Teen Ink

Dinner of Champs

May 21, 2018
By Anonymous

I had woken up that morning for a very important day of my 7th grade year. Today was the day where my hard work could pay off. Today was the day of state. To my dismay I had to wake up at 6 am to get to the pool where I was swimming. I had arrived at the pool tired and felt very sluggish. It took me a while to warm up but when I did I felt ready to go. Later that day I was in a relay with some of my closest friends on the team. We we’re seeded fourth in the event but if this race was like the races we had earlier in the day it was going to be an easy race to win. My friend had started the race and I was up next. I felt the adrenaline start to rush through my body before I jumped off the blocks. When the last person in our relay touched we had come in 1st place. We were now state champs and I felt great. I went to go talk to my coach and he said we had set a state record. After he said that I felt like a real champion. To celebrate my win my parents had ordered my favorite food for dinner; sushi. It took about an hour for the food to arrive, but when it did it was worth the wait. I got first dibs and I took as much as I could. The sushi was very colorful. The taste was even better. The roe on one of the pieces was cold and very smooth.  Some were spicy and some were sweet. That whole day was whimsical and I truly had a dinner of champions that night.

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