A Letter to the Best | Teen Ink

A Letter to the Best

June 7, 2018
By Jellyfish23 BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
Jellyfish23 BRONZE, Natick, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Dustin Pedroia,

How are you?  I am so happy that you are back playing with the Red Sox.  I wish I could have seen you play in Pawtucket because it’s a more personal and small stadium.  I would’ve made a sign too. Actually when I went with my friends one time, I had sign and it said We <3 Pedroia.  Which I do, I am not going to lie. You have been an inspiration to me since day one. Even though you are short, me as well, you still have so much energy and so much power on the field and in the batter’s box.  I wish to meet you someday, and I am so happy when you return my letters. You have a great team and I know you all will make it far this year.

Thank you for being my inspiration and role model all these years.  Hopefully I will one day have the honor of meeting you in person.

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