Why New York City Is the Best City in the World | Teen Ink

Why New York City Is the Best City in the World

October 9, 2018
By Anonymous

There are many great cities in the world, Los Angeles, Paris, Las Vegas. However, none of these cities compare to the great New York City. Nobody can describe the feeling you get when you go to New York City. Everyone thinks that the city is just Manhattan, that’s not correct at all. It’s actually  made up of five boroughs, there’s Manhattan, Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, and Staten Island. Since there are these five boroughs, it has the largest population for a city in the United States. The city consists of 8.5 million people, these millions of people are so unique in their own way. There are many other reasons the city is the best in the world.

If you haven’t been to New York City then you’re missing out. There’s so much culture in that city; it would take years to see all of it. Actually, it may even take a lifetime to see all of it. My trip was just in Manhattan, so it was pretty great. However, we didn’t get to see the other four boroughs. That’s what is awesome about the city, my class and I just went to Manhattan and were super intrigued  with all the people and things there. I took pictures of everything that I thought was interesting to me. By the end of the trip I had about one thousand pictures. The city will blow anyone away without a doubt!

There are so many different people in New York City. Someone can see another person one day, and then the next never see them again. The city is just that big, there’s no other way to describe it. If someone is  wanting to meet every type of person in the world, then you have to go to Times Square. That place has around 330,000 people go through it every day. The city’s population is made up of several different types of ethnicities and religions. There are 1.1 million

Jewish citizens in that city. That city has 8.5 million people living in it, so that’s a large portion of the city that’s Jewish. The number of chinese citizens in that city is large as well. Of the 8.5 million people living in the city 6% of them are of Chinese ethnicity. So if someone wanted to be around a lot of new people, or get a taste of every religion or ethnicity, then they need to come to New York City.

One of the best reasons this city is the best is because of the food. There’s nowhere else on this planet that has such a variety of food as New York City. When I’m talking about eateries in the city I don’t mean food chains like Mcdonalds. A great example are the pizzerias. There are 32,000 pizza places in the city. If I lived in the city I could definitely live off of dollar slice pizza. Each pizza restaurant is it’s own little thing. There’s only one of them on the entire planet. My favorite pizza in the city is Pronto’s Pizza. They made any type of pizza you could ever imagine. However, not everyone enjoys pizza, some people are vegan or vegetarian. New York City has 361 vegan/vegetarian restaurants scattered across all five boroughs. A large majority of these restaurants have 4 to 5 star ratings. So it doesn’t matter what kind of food someone likes, New York City can satisfy.

Another amazing thing the city has that makes it so great is the entertainment. If someone is into music then there are many options, Radio City music hall is one of the best places to go for music. Many great musicians have performed here, such as Frank Sinatra, Jason Mraz, and Tony Bennett. However, if someone would prefer a show, then musicals are right up their alley. There are many different theatres in New York City, but the best theatres are Broadway theatres. In total there are 41 Broadway theatres scattered across the city. I can’t describe how amazing these plays are. They just grab the audience’s attention in ways that I can’t describe. The one thing that sucks is that it’s not very convenient to go watch one every not. However, people can just go out and hang at a jazz clubs that are scattered across the city.

Some of the best jazz musicians perform every day at the top jazz clubs in the city. Some of these great musicians consist of people like Joe Lovano and Kurt Elling. There’s no jazz musicians that even come close to these legendary musicians. Some of the best jazz clubs in New York City are the Blue Note, Village Vanguard, Birdland,  and the Smalls Jazz Club. There is just any type of entertainment anyone could ever imagine.

Finally, to truly understand everything I have mentioned then come to the city and see what I am talking about. It doesn’t matter how many words I type about how great the city is, the experiences are what make it so great. There are many things that I still haven’t experienced in the city yet. The reasons I gave above are just some of the best ones in my opinion. Those are just many of the reasons for why I really like the city. There are still many great things to be discovered by the city that I didn’t get to experience. Experiencing the city will convince anyone who goes why it is the greatest city in the world.

The author's comments:

I really love New York City. I plan on moving there when I'm older to persue something in theatre or movies. 

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