Adventure | Teen Ink


February 13, 2019
By Anonymous

One of the most beautiful places on earth in my opinion is one by the water. I get this opinion because the water makes me happy because it gives me the thought of summer. Summer is when I get closest to family and friends. The first assumption I got from my picture was how much of a story it has to tell. It's a beautiful place with a crystal clear ocean  with a lake near it. There is two bodies of water, one looks to be a ocean the other a lake. A narrow stretch of land divides the two. With trees in the background. There is a person on the beach that seems to be fishing on the ocean side off to the left, right next to the water as the waves crash into the shore. The person is faint but noticeable.

It looks as if this person has made a campsite between the two bodies of water.   In the middle of his campsite are three trees that are as tall as a giant that are all joined at the base. On the trees are four pictures of sunsets. Under one of the pictures is an old brown net that is tied onto the tree. The pictures are bright and vibrant and can be seen from a distance. At the bottom of the trees there are sticks connecting all the trees together and one that branches off. It seems as if the person on the beach drys his clothes on the branch.

This person isn't much of a neat freak because I see there is trash scattered everywhere like old broken boards, a dirty plate, a red can that is on a stick and an old glass bottle.  There isn't a campfire but an old rusty jet black grill that looks half broken. Surrounding the campsite is old dried up grass. I can tell in the distance there is more civilization just next to the big round hills and trees. There is more rubble and trash hidden in the trees beside the hills. Just beside that is a white dock that extends out into the ocean.

Although peaceful, this place has had a rough past from the looks of it. From its bright blue skies to the long sandy beach it would be a nice place to live.  The only sounds you would ever hear are the waves crashing into the shore and the zip of the fishing pole whenever the person on the beach casts their line. Reminds me of the when my family and I would go fishing for trout. We would cast our lines out and fish from shore. While we fished we would often have a campfire to roast some marshmallows.

If you were the person on the beach you would be able to taste the salt that ran off the water and into the air. You could smell the salt along with the dirty beach.  The waves would crash into your feet as you bury them into the sand. A real life adventure, just like the adventure I had with my family when we went to Jamaica. We walked the soft sandy beach past the driftwood that covered the edge of the beach. There were small crabs that poked out of the sand and scurried on the beach, along with shells that littered the beach.

The setting could very well be in Jamaica but I think it could also be in Mexico, Australia, Africa or even New Zealand. There is a wide variety of places it could come from but it looks pretty similar to the beach I was on in Jamaica. Mainly because the color of the sand and the beaten down clutter on the beach.

One thing I want to know about this place is the history. I want to know what happened and why that person is fishing on the beach. I'm wondering is that person stuck there or are they  just living there. I feel like it could just be a poor rundown country by the looks of it. I'm also curious how long that person has been there and what they are like.

I feel like the person here is looking for a bigger brighter future because of the pictures on the tree. The person could be wanting to live on a better cleaner beach. It could also be pictures of what the beach use to look like before all the trash and clutter came in. There could have been a big storm with trash just washing up on shore. Whatever happened, there is a story behind it that I would like to know more about.

I wonder about the habitat and the other sounds that could be going on. There is obviously fish but what kind? I can only guess that there are birds, bugs and lizards. None of the which are shown. There is only a portion of the lake showing but I would like to know just how big the lake is. This place is a mystery waiting to be solved and a journey to explore.

The author's comments:

This story was about what I thought of a certain peice of artwork it also has a story about me when I went to a beach like the one in the picture.

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