Soul of Guatemala | Teen Ink

Soul of Guatemala

March 26, 2019
By jshea08 SILVER, Austin, Texas
jshea08 SILVER, Austin, Texas
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In the heart of Guatemala lies an oasis of rich jungle, jagged volcanoes, and a serene lake inhabited by the people of Solola and surrounding villages.  Their stomachs are empty, yet their hearts are full. Their souls are fed with love and faith, filled with pure joy for both life’s blessings and hardships, and their pure spirit is far greater than any opposing force.  On the crest of a towering volcano resides a home for children who have been victims of severe abuse, both physical and psychological, as well as malnourishment at the hands of their family. Throughout every interaction I experienced with the kids, one quality surpassed all others and became evident to every member of our team: trust.  These survivors of unimaginable pain, who bear deep physical and emotional scars, almost immediately ran into our arms for an embrace and radiated love, unlike anyone I had ever met before. They did not view themselves as broken but emanated a quiet strength, yearning to be loved by as many people as they could find. Our personal issues, anxieties, and baggage became obsolete in the face of such inner power which the children unknowingly transferred onto us.  These kids had their naivety stripped away from them far too young and do not hold any illusions as to the sins of man, yet they are still able to give and receive pure love in every laugh, embrace, and interaction. All too often I become caught up in my own scars and allow the past to negatively influence and shape my present which leads to further pain and sadness, but the children of Solola, Guatemala taught me that true power comes from letting go of our issues and embracing the beauty of life as we experience it through loving others and allowing yourself to be loved.

The author's comments:

I recently traveled to Solola, Guatemala for a mission trip and learned so much from the people I encountered, from their culture to life lessons, and was truly inspired by the children in the orphanage.

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