Bride and Groom | Teen Ink

Bride and Groom

May 8, 2019
By Parth211 BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
Parth211 BRONZE, Mumbai, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Our world is huge and so are its customs and cultures.Different countries have different traditions from dressing to life style to wedding.Different countries have different tradition and system for wedding.In india marriage is seen as a pure sacred releationship which is made in heaven.It is not only joining of two people but joining of two distinct families.In india marriages are arranged as well as there are love marriages.An indian style wedding has three features.

Firstly the ring ceremony takes place on a fixed date and time which is considered as sacred followed by astronomy calculations.

After one month and a couple of days before marriage the bride's music takes place.There are many folk songs sang and dance.Every one has to present their performances.The next day takes place mehndi(myrtle)a paste made of myrtle leaves in which girls make design on their palm.

Lastly comes the wedding day where groom comes with his marriage procession consisting of relatives and friends where a lot of dance takes place.After arriving the groom and bride put garlands on each other.Lastly the priest(pandits in india)marries them in a mandap made of mango,banana,indian blackberry leaves and bamboo poles.The groom's father bid farewell to each relative by giving them some gifts.The marriage ends when valediction of bride takes place.Thus ends this festival of colour and joy.

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