Unit 6 Urbanization Project (Part 2) | Teen Ink

Unit 6 Urbanization Project (Part 2)

March 19, 2020
By Anonymous

Part 2- First Person Narrative

Map Image Link: drive.google.com/open?id=1kcC_-KoO6JfQ0OQBYRv-O-0etFzY7SMm 

Day 1: I’ve decided to take a tour of the city and nearby residential areas to find where I want to live. I want a place that is close to the center of the city and where I want to work so that I can have a short commute. I would also like to find a home that is reasonably priced. I saw the city hall and the California State Capitol Museum. Overall, I’ve noticed that Sacramento has a large amount of museums, especially in the main city. 


Day 2: I have decided to live in the northeastern part of Sacramento. The housing there is relatively cheap and is right next to the city.  (Red circled area).

Day 3: The eastern part of the city is an example of a sprawl because the houses in that neighborhood have a lot of trees, therefore, the houses have relatively big yards as well. 

Day 4: Smart growth can be seen in West Sacramento, mainly in Webster. This area has preserved farmland. Smart growth is common in most areas surrounding the city as well, including Beatrice and parts of Riverview. 

Day 5: I have started to look into potential jobs for me in the city. I could work at one of the museums here or I could work towards becoming a general and operations manager. (Ex. California Museum).

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