If only.... | Teen Ink

If only....

April 30, 2009
By Andrew Hall BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
Andrew Hall BRONZE, Kenner, Louisiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Throughout this world, we are given the opportunity to encounter many different creatures. Each creature so unique and so special to our world. In my eyes, one of the most interesting animals is the bird. This creature has the unique ability to fly. This skill is so astonishing to mankind, and quite frankly; each of us would love to have this ability for a day. If only I could fly for a day...

If I were given wings for a day, I would most certainly use this gift to fly. My opportunities and boundaries would be endless. As a child, I have always had a dream of traveling this world, and with this gift; I could do so. I would fly from country to country. From the shores of the Bahamas to the fierce and cold climate of Antarctica, I would travel the world. Each country would provide a new learning experience for me. I would be able to hear the world’s different languages and experience some of the most fascinating cultures in our society. I would visit some of the world’s most beloved sights such as the Great Wall of China, the Taj Mahal, the beautiful Northern Lights, and even the Pyramids in the dessert area of Egypt. These experiences would truly be like no other, and would give way to a life changing day.

After all is said and done, my return home would be a joyful one. During my flight home, I would be able to understand just how small I am in this world. I would rejoice to the Creator for His beautiful creation. As it says in scripture, “Don’t let the excitement of your youth cause you to forgot your Creator.” This experience would without a doubt remind me of our Creator, and it would truly humble in an unexplainable way.

All in all, if I could fly my experiences would truly be amazing. I would visit some of the most exciting places in this world and be able to have a glimpse into their culture. I would also be a changed person inside. My realization of how small we are in this world would truly humble me. If only I could fly for day, my wings would provide such a catharsis that my view of this world would be forever changed. If only I could fly...

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dan246 said...
on May. 5 2015 at 8:57 am
dan246, Essex, Other
0 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
I never see true beauty until tonight- romeo&juliet

I wanna read sooo bad!!!