i am an immigrant | Teen Ink

i am an immigrant

October 22, 2009
By Jezabel PLATINUM, Ricmond, Virginia
Jezabel PLATINUM, Ricmond, Virginia
35 articles 0 photos 53 comments

Favorite Quote:
In the end we will not the remeber the words of your enemys, but the silence of are friends.
~ Martin Luther King Jr.

“ Your all American citizens, so you should pass this fake American citizenship test” the teacher yells to our civics class. I roll my eyes; of course I don’t look like an immigrant. I’m a pale white girl; I can only speak English, and have no accent. People have always asked my parents where they were from. They have British accents, my mum mixed with a hint of Canadian. I’m first generation Canadian, which though it’s a lot like America, to me it’s not. It’s my home, where my mum’s family still life. I look down at the questions; I know all of them expect maybe one or two. I have leaved here ten years, yet like other kids around me. When my parents studied with me, they themselves were learning about it. My mum moved to Canada when she was fourteen so she still had to take class, and she studied with my brother and I every night. I answer all the questions, I get three wrong, One of the highest grades in the class. I laugh to myself. I learn about England, where my family has leaved for generations. About Canada, were I am proud to be the first but not last generation. And America, where I get the help I need for my disability. When I have children, I want to have them in Canada, but even thought in school they will only learn about their birth place. I will, like my mother, tell them about America and England. My past, and present homes. Why? Because on of the perks of being an immigrant, is learning about the lands on this earth.

The author's comments:
I'm proud to be apart of three countrys

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This article has 1 comment.

on Jun. 16 2010 at 12:17 am
WriterFanatic PLATINUM, DesMoines, Iowa
24 articles 0 photos 184 comments

Favorite Quote:
A coward is incapable of exhibiting love; it is the prerogative of the brave.
By Gandhi.

clap clap clap! 5 stars!! Good for you! as one immigrant to another, you present yourself really well so keep it up!=)