The Yin and Yang of Religion | Teen Ink

The Yin and Yang of Religion

December 15, 2012
By nswilliamson213 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
nswilliamson213 BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Christianity and Hinduism are two of the worlds most common and popular religions yet between the two, have beliefs on opposite ends of the spectrum. The two religions are based on specific teachings of moral standards set for how followers should live their daily lives.

Christianity has spread worldwide in the years since the religion took root in Jerusalem. Christianity’s strongholds occur in North, Central, and South America, Europe, New Zealand and Australia but have touched bases in six of the continents. Hinduism, on the contrary, has stayed much more local on a permanent level. While it has spread to areas such as North America, Nepal, the U.K and of course, its homeland India its followers are not nearly are spread out on the map as Christianity is. Despite the differences in their geographic location, both religions have solid bases for their beliefs to be heard. Churches and temples appear all over the globe for believers to worship their god(s) at any given time.

Furthermore, Christianity beliefs present one god as being the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Christians feel as though God is the loving creator of the universe and there are no other creators or founders of the world. Hinduism beliefs contribute ideas that there is one Supreme Reality, known as Brahman, which is manifested in many gods and goddesses. The gods and goddesses are represented in stories as lessons for how to live your life, reflecting back to Brahman. Although Christianity believes in monotheism and Hinduism believes in Polytheism, both religions require worship to God or Brahman in order to achieve help or good karma.

Christianity’s views compared to Hinduism’s continue to differ even more when discussing our purpose and the afterlife. Christian faith says that all people sin, which is why God is separated from humans. The purpose in life is to try and achieve salvation, ultimately by praying, doing good work, and reading the bible. At the end of your life on Earth, you are either to go to an Eternal Heaven or Hell depending on your life here on Earth. Hinduism varies greatly in these aspects of their religion. Hindus believe that you are trapped in reincarnation until you achieve Enlightment. If Enlightment is not achieved, you are to try and achieve a better rebirth which is reflected through your actions on Earth. Both of these religions turn to their readings as moral guidelines for good and bad doing. Christians read the Bible and Hindus read a multitude of books such as Vedas, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, etc. for guidance of either going to Heaven or attaining Enlightment.

Overall, these two religions could be compared to the Yin and Yang symbols due to the opposites of their beliefs. Christianity, more popular than Hinduism, is less strict than its cousin religion. However again, although the content of their beliefs differ greatly, both religions lead the lives of many people throughout the world and often times give them an outlet or shelter when they have no one else to turn too.

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