Finding Florida | Teen Ink

Finding Florida

March 7, 2013
By ellie_meyers BRONZE, Kansas City, Kansas
ellie_meyers BRONZE, Kansas City, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Summer had just begun and the beach awaited us. Our trip started off with an exhausted and lethargic family of four and our three excited dogs. On an early June morning we set off with our gigantic truck and our fifth wheel pulling along as we began our 24 hour drive. The whole family had been waiting for this since the middle of the year. The trip had finally come!

As my sister and I settled in the back seat, we prepared ourselves for the long trip ahead of us. With movies and laptops all over the floor and blankets and pillows covering the seats, we got comfortable. The thing that kept us awake: the fact that we knew the beach and Disney World were only a few days away.

The first day we traveled eight of the hours. The first stop happened in Missouri where we stopped at a little place to eat. We hit the road again, and began to watch a few movies. After a couple movies, and sitting in the car waiting, we reached Tennessee. We put the fifth wheel at the campground and headed to eat. We had watched a lot of food shows so we went to a barbeque place that we had seen on TV. Even though the food did not satisfy us, we were just happy to be off of the road and we were all ready to get some rest.

The next morning we hooked the camper up and were headed towards Florida. We stopped at Wal-Mart to let the dogs out, and we rented a Redbox movie. After a while of driving, we grew hungry. We pulled into Georgia, and the scenery looked beautiful. With trees lined up all through the woods the air smelled like sweet summer. Out the window, we saw a little store that sold ice-cream and peach cobbler. It sounded perfect at the time, so we pulled right in. It felt extremely cool to see a family with their own business that seemed down to earth. After that, we went down the road to grab some real food. The people at the restaurant acted so fun and were very enjoyable to be around too. We reloaded into the truck, and we were almost to Florida!

We stayed the night in Destin. Florida, the most beautiful place I had ever seen. The bay side of the waters looked amazingly calm and the water seemed so clear blue. The white sand filled the beach and the little crab scurried across the sand. The birds chirped while I lay on the beach which seemed like the best feeling ever. After three days in Destin, we traveled a few hours to Orlando to go to Disney.

Disney filled days of our trip. We went to all of the parks and walked and walked. The best part took place when we camped at the Disney campground and we rented a golf cart to drive around. Riding in places we weren’t supposed to, driving when we were too young to: I had the time of my life.

As we wrapped up our last day in Florida, we began to long for our beds at home. So we headed off and said goodbye to that sweet Florida beach. A long drive sat ahead of us, but so did my whole summer.

The author's comments:
I wrote about when i went to Florida. Thats it(:

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