My First PAX | Teen Ink

My First PAX

March 26, 2013
By Anonymous

The weekend of 22-24 March, 2013, I had the time of my life. I attended a large video game convention in Boston, Massachusetts that goes by the name of PAX (Penny Arcade Expo) East. PAX is one of the largest and most acclaimed conventions in the United States and is divided here into PAX Prime, in Seattle, and PAX East, which takes place in Boston.

When I arrived at PAX on Saturday morning, I was already in love with it. The simple fact that I was among people of similar interests and intellect to me was liberating. I didn't feel like I had to be anything other than myself, and I could enjoy the day being the nerdiest I had been in a long time. It was obvious everyone else felt the same way. Gathering with what I would call "my people" is the best feeling I've ever experienced.

PAX is huge, to say the least. I am not one for crowds, but somehow being in the expo hall with many thousands of people did not affect me at all. I loved the atmosphere of everyone playing video games, talking to developers, and having fun. I personally greatly enjoyed the "Indie Megabooth" area, where all of the independent (meaning they are not affiliated with a publisher) game developers were presenting their games. I talked one-on-one to many indie developers and their enthusiasm and brilliance encouraged me even more to continue in working toward my dream career of video game design.

The environment at PAX was a nonstop electric vibe of excitement and amazement. Everyone was excited for cool video games, both upcoming and those already available. I met some of my favorite YouTube comedians, and I now have a shirt signed by many members of the EvilGeniuses StarCraft II professional gaming team. I took a picture with the guys who attended on behalf of Razer. I placed second in a six-person match of Rise of the Triad at DigitalStorm's booth. Both days I attended made me love the community that has grown around video games even more.

I am already beginning to make arrangements to attend PAX East next year, for all three days instead of just Saturday and Sunday. This experience changed the way I think about myself as a gamer. I'm not an isolated island of a man whose only peers are solely available over the internet. I am part of a social group; and I love it.

The author's comments:
I attended PAX East in Boston, Massachusetts for the first time this year and had the time of my life.

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