An Island Below India | Teen Ink

An Island Below India

April 5, 2013
By Anonymous

An island below India, Srilanka was where I went on 2012 summer. I was very excited. I went to ride an airplane to Srilanka. I rode an airplane. Few hours later in the plane I saw beautiful sea and lots of palm trees. The site was full of green and blue. I was so happy and wanted to land faster because I love nature.

After landing at the airport I was shocked. I saw woman wearing small tight shirts that didn’t cover their bellies. I was thinking what kind of place would they wear small tight shirts that didn’t cover their bellies for the worker in an airport. Later I asked my guide and he told me that it was actually their traditional clothes. Also for Srilanka they wear lots of shirts that show their bellies but don’t wear short pants because they think that showing their legs is inappropriate and if someone wears it than they think that they are girls who sell their bodies.

I came out from the airport with excitement. I was very happy. Outside, the garden was waiting for us. The garden was very pretty. I saw some colorful flowers that I never seen before and I saw some squirrel climbing the tree. I saw lots of raven too. I was surprised because they were the most common bird in Srilanka . They flew everywhere. I only saw a raven in a zoo but when I arrived it was all over the garden, road and all over the country. I was a bit afraid because it was too big. In Thailand the birds are small so they aren’t scary. When I came out it was very hot. I was sweating.

We rode our guide bus. While riding the bus I saw many new things and I learned more about Srilanka. Srilanka had almost all religions in the world because I saw lots of Buddhist temple, Christian churches, Catholic churches and mosques. It was cool. Srilanka people have black skin and a red dot in the middle of their forehead. I also saw people playing baseball and so I asked the guide how do they know baseball and why do they play in Srilanka and he said that it was their favorite sport in Srilanka. Why? Because, before Srilanka became independent England conquered it for years and England was the country which played baseball so Srilanka was influenced. I also saw man wearing long skirts. It was surprising. I went with my family and so as soon as my brother found out they wear long skirts he also bought one because he thought it was very unique and that kind of skirt is only available in Srilanka. When the bus stopped because of the traffic I saw people looking at us and waving at us. They were very kind and warm and had a smile in their face always. Finally we arrived in the hotel. We rest as soon as we went into our room because we were very tired.
I stayed about 2 weeks in Srilanka. It was very fun and also Srilankan culture was very interesting. The guide was cool and awesome. He was kind too. For me I really like history and I really like knowing about a country. This trip made me very happy and gave me much more information about Srilanka. I love Srilanka.

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