Grandiose Trip | Teen Ink

Grandiose Trip

April 18, 2013
By Sanghee Lim BRONZE, Chiangmai, Other
Sanghee Lim BRONZE, Chiangmai, Other
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

African, people categorize this word with dirt, Negros, tears from humanity, and the mistaken. I define Africa as beauty, wonders, and perfection. People state that Africans are dirty struts, people with no value of life, but I strongly state that they are the creations that God had spent abundant time fabricating. They are people who have sorrows and joy at the same instant. These people drink muddy water and eat bugs for a living. These typical people are not races that we should contribute pity and pay donations. To the opposite they are the ones to donate love and joy to us and the true attribute and meaning of life. The true joy of being vital in life and constantly filling our lungs with air.
The prodigious journeys in Africa were true wonders. Many variety of wonders were present such as safaris, lively waterfalls, and plains which I continuously try to sprint across, but every time failing. From all these amazing dumbfounded wonders of Africa, I have enjoyed the visit to the mouth gate of a lion the most. The longest safari, the most breathtaking safari, in Zambia.
My family was a missionary with a drudgery. Main location would be Malawi but once in awhile we would travel to South Africa. Our main job was to care the orphans and provide hospitality. Watching these children with effervescence brought elation within our community but our main goal was the to ebb the amount of orphans coming in. With all the hard word, resulting an emaciated face, we needed rest. So we would vigorously, but yet vial, drive to South Africa. It would take three nights and four days to reach South Africa, in car. On our way to South Africa we would go through many hideous but agitating adventures. We would go through long fully extended safaris and world classed waterfalls. All these events were an unforgettable event but one distinctive event covered it all up.
We took out first step into the most exciting journey of my life. Our group of people, my family and some other missionaries, were departing from Malawi to South Africa. All windows were required to be shut and no one was to exit the car. As explained, “no window” was to be opened, but a disposition of a 6 years old passionate boy couldn't maintain the curiosity and ideas from overflowing. I opened it. We could sniffle the green sweet scent of eclectic fruits and leaves. The fury and disgusted smell of animals lurking in the bushes. We hear a crack, then a sizzle. I stared into the location where the shuffling was made. Our expectations were an anaconda to pop up but a fuzzy little monkey jumped up. He climbs onto our car and of amusement we hand him a banana. He takes it quickly and repels back into the woods. Full of delight and joy we drive deeper into the wilderness.
We could hear so many different sounds of variety of animals. They formed a harmony and sang us a song. A lion would roar, birds would squeak, zebras would shake the earth, monkeys would laugh, and giraffes would…. Giraffe!!! My dad stopped the car, the friction of the tire skis the ground, our net charge unbalanced spring us forward; a herd of giraffes was walking past the road. Their shadows swallowed us full and their necks stretched through the heavens. They were huge. We observed them walk past with their majestic legs and unmeasurably long necks. In amazement we continued our journey.

As we drove through the ranges of the safari many various animals were able to be sighted. Lions, rhinoceroses, zebras, all these wonders a little child would dream was laid in front of my eyes. All these different colors and styles of animals made a tune and delivered into my ears. All this exaltation and all this joy was overwhelming me. Thud! And another, thud! Then ten thuds were to be heard. We stopped the car and looked outside. There the naughty little monkeys were laughing their belly buttons off at us. It felt pretty annoying as they didn't know how to stop so we tossed them a banana and drove off as fast as we could. We stood several times to take pictures and make memory. Pictures of infallible lions, colossus rhinos, and swifty cheetahs. It was a pretty awesome journey through the wilderness.

Even now a days I dream about this place. The lions, zebras, and many other animals who were able to catch my eyes. When I look back all those naughty monkeys, it was just a precious reminiscence and all these memories were a perfect fitting puzzle of who I am right now. I could still smell the scent of the safari within my big nostrils. I love Africa, I love Africans, I love all that I could name about Africa and its magnificent scenery.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Apr. 30 2013 at 9:27 am
Sanghee Lim BRONZE, Chiangmai, Other
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
yea guys thnx...

Yoyo said...
on Apr. 30 2013 at 9:09 am
Good Job Bro~!! really like it man