Trip To A World Beyond My Own | Teen Ink

Trip To A World Beyond My Own

January 21, 2014
By EpicManny BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
EpicManny BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The plane set off for a distant island. I still didn't have an idea of what I was getting into, but I was about to find out. I saw the dark blue waters turn into light blue waters with corals seen beneath them. I felt uncomfortable from sitting in my seat for too long and I was starting to feel claustrophobic for being in planes for longer than 7 hours. Yet we finally arrived. We arrived at the one and only airport in Haiti, located in the city of Port-au-Prince. Immediately after leaving the airport with my team of buildOn students and staff, I felt the intense heat of the island. It was nothing like I had experienced before except on the hottest days in Chicago. I was a piece of bacon on the frying pan sizzling by the sun. We hopped into the trucks and headed for the countryside of Haiti. I was hit with the extreme poverty of the area as soon as we left the airport. We went from being in a modern airport to the shacks and metal sheet houses that lined most of the streets of Port-au-Prince. I'd never seen anything like it before so I couldn't help but stare outside of my window. I was taking it all in as we left the huddled city with shacks and buildings to the unpaved roads that was the countryside. It still didn't feel like I was far away from my home in Chicago. The area had not been what I'd expected or heard from on the news. There was no constant shooting and riots amongst the Haitian people. Instead they seemed content on living their lives how they had before the earthquake. The rugged terrain of the roads made it very bumpy and unstable. This caused me to have a minor headache and major car sickness. The pounding in my head was starting to increase. I felt weak and had the urge to barf. I contained myself. The scenery of the land calmed my stomach and made me think more of the Haiti than my car sickness. I wondered what the village would be like. How the people would behave and what their initial reaction would be. The trucks finally came to a stop at a brightly colored school with people standing beside it. I was about to find out who they are.

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