Windsor Castle | Teen Ink

Windsor Castle

March 17, 2014
By alinaj BRONZE, Queens, New York
alinaj BRONZE, Queens, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

During my mid-winter break I went on an unforgettable trip to London and Paris. As we arrived at the airport and got through all security ready to get on the plane I could not believe that I was going across the world. I felt as if I was just going on a really long trip and would come back home the next day. The plane ride was great, it was very comfortable and the service was good too. Once we got to the airport in Chelsea, London a bus arrived for us at the airport, I still did not take in that I was in London. We arrived to the hotel and dropped of our luggage. We went straight into taking a general tour of the city of London. We first went to see Big Ben, which was just like how I imagined it, it was very tall, the big clock in the top center, painted with a golden color and very detailed. It was more like a big tall tower to me especially because it had the pointy tips on top. On the other side you could have seen the London’s eye, it was during daytime so it wasn’t so attracting to me. We walked around and saw many buildings and the tour guide told us all the history behind it and I enjoyed it even though I was really tired.

On our third day in London we went to Windsor Castle. As I walked into the apartments of the castle I felt like I went back centuries ago. Everything was so shiny, fancy and elegant; the ceilings were detailed and painted with a golden color. Everything was in display very properly and neatly. The first room we walked we saw a dollhouse and it was so detailed. The rooms had everything nothing was missing even the kitchen. It was a mini castle with the same layout and design; I was really amazed. Afterwards we walked into a room filled with swords and knife the room looked so royal, the red carpet, chandeliers up in the ceiling, everything sparkling and shiny. As I walked into the other apartments of the castle the bedrooms, drawing rooms, and dressing rooms I could imagine myself with a corset on with a big dress feeling so important and having all the nice things. I enjoyed how everything had its own history in the castle. After the tour in the castle we went back to the bus and took a tour of the city.

The tour guide berry, told us the history behind the buildings and it was amazing how it connected to each other. Mostly, the history of every house connected to one another. I also found interesting how everything led back to the Queen. The houses, statues in the streets, the building it seemed like as if everything was made for the Queen of England. I live in New York and barely know the history behind many things, but I don’t think it’s the same as in London. Now I’m curious to find out what history New York has behind sculptures, buildings, and other places.

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