Jersey: Summer Jam | Teen Ink

Jersey: Summer Jam

March 17, 2014
By Mrs.Mathers BRONZE, Astoria, New York
Mrs.Mathers BRONZE, Astoria, New York
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When we arrived, we had no idea where we were going. Two friends and I were waiting in the parking lot for our other friends to arrive. There were people around me with barely any clothes on and it made me feel really awkward. There were a lot of people that were cursing for no reason at all and the police officers just stood there making sure nothing happened. Suddenly, one lady started cursing at another lady and they got into a big argument, which led to a fight. There was only one officer in their area, so he called for backup and both of those ladies, and the people they came with, were kicked out. I turned as I watched them go, and spotted a family having a barbeque in the parking lot. They were all laughing and having fun while everyone else was in a rush to get inside. We were still waiting for our other friends to come when we heard Kendrick Lamar’s music blasting out of the stadium. We were getting anxious because we really wanted to see him live.

Once we settled in, everyone sitting around me was under the influence. Even people I went with were smoking weed. The whole place reeked of weed, but I didn’t want to leave. I didn’t want to leave because I knew that I would regret it. Obviously, being sixteen years old, I know that being around weed and people smoking is really bad, but this opportunity was not one that I was going to give up just because of a few people smoking. It was really loud because everyone was screaming, including me. Not many people were in the upper part, but there were a lot of people there, in the lower parts of the stadium, and we were all screaming together, getting really excited. After a while, there was a couple that came and sat behind the five of us. They were really high. After twenty minutes, it got really awkward because they were going at it on the seat. We were all just dying of laughter and everyone else in the upper part lost focus of the inside of the stadium and we were all looking at the couple and laughing. After they were done, the guy looked at me and said, “Hey, you look really good in that shirt.” I was wearing my white shirt with Eminem on it. His girlfriend then said, “Stop it babe.” Then, they eventually got up and left. I really enjoyed all the performers, but I was really anxious to find out who the special guest was. As I wondered, Chris Brown pulled off his shirt. That’s when I lost focus on everyone else and just paid attention to him. He looked so tiny from where I was sitting, so I had to look at him through the big TV to really see him. I noticed he was really serious during his performance and he was sweating a lot.

As he continued, it began to rain. My friends and I were under the shady part of the stadium, so the rain didn’t really affect us. However, there was everyone else, Metlife Stadium was full of people getting drenched. It was really big and half filled with people remaining in their seats getting wet but waiting for the next performer. It was half filled because the concert was only for half of the stadium. There were two big screen TV’s showing the performers for people like us, who were too far from stage to get a good look at them. “And now, 2 Chainz!”

Everyone was pumped! Chanting his name over and over waiting for him to come out. People kept chanting for about two minutes and he still hadn’t come out. After about five minutes, they announced again, “And now, 2 Chainz!” As all the people got rowdy again, he still hadn’t come out. The third announcement was made, “This time for real! 2 Chainz!” Everyone began chanting again, but it ended just as soon as it started because he finally came out. Around 11:00, everyone began to leave because the concert was over. We weren’t sure who the special guest was because there were a couple, like Nicki Minaj, Lil Kim, and J. Cole. Right when everyone got out of their seats, Lil Wayne came out and began a song. The people I was at the concert with started screaming at the top of their lungs. I’m not too big a fan but I was screaming too because it was really exciting breathing the same air as a really famous rapper. After his performance, everyone did leave because he was actually the last performer.

Everyone exited the stadium and there stood a crowd of drunk and high people in the parking lot. My friends and I took pictures while we waited to be picked up. There were couples all around us making out and screaming. There was one big man hitting on a girl. Last I saw of them was when she ended up getting into his car. Seeing the couples, made me feel the need to call my crush, so I did, and I stayed on the phone with him until my parents arrived. My last thought when it all ended was, “Boy, Summer Jam was one hell of a concert.” This just goes to show that having fun doesn’t require you to fall under the influence, you can have fun on your own terms.

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