Maid Cafe | Teen Ink

Maid Cafe

March 17, 2014
By Natalie Martinez BRONZE, East Elmhurst, New York
Natalie Martinez BRONZE, East Elmhurst, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The day I went to the Maid Café with a good friend of mine, the day wasn’t beautiful but was not bad either. The air was filled with a mild humidity that made the temperature seem not what it actually was. The clouds seem to be holding in their secret of rain. Yet, nothing could put me in a bad mood because I was going to some place different. I was going on my own little adventure in my city where I was born and raised.

New York City is known for its diverse nature. The city that has so many places to go and see that one can lose count –and money in a matter of just days, especially tourists. New York City has so many cultures in it that it’s just a jumble of beauty and colors. The “Big apple” as most call it, is in fact a mixed bag of scenery. If hungry and you have the funds, you can just literally go down the street to a Chinese restaurant. Or go maybe go into the heart of the city Manhattan and get some Indian, Thai, or even Japanese food. The streets of New York City also gives you the chance to meet all kinds of people. I noticed all this on my way to my glorious destination of the cute little Japanese café known as the Maid café. It was located, in Chinatown, Manhattan. New York City is one of the places to be for a vast sight of diversity.

I found out about the Maid Café online. They call it the Maid Café because the waitresses dress in frilly pink and white maid outfits. When my friend and I first walked into the café, the maids greeted us in Japanese, which when translated meant welcome home master or for women mistress. They asked if we wished to view a menu. The menu was also visible in a larger size above the cash register. My friend and I sat on plastic neon colored green chairs. The table was a table for four near the door but that was because the tables for two were occupied near the window. The café was more than half full, when we arrived and the main ground floor was not too big to begin with. I noticed when I got settled in that there was also a relatively medium sized, yet cluttered garden with a fountain inside another room leading to stairs that went to another floor. My friend thought maybe it was a host party room. I was content with that information because it made sense to me seeing as how the main floor only had six tables.

My friend and I ordered our food and when it came, it was a burst with delectable flavor. The rice ball with tuna in the middle was to die for because I love rice and the shape was enticing since I never had or seen in person, rice in ball form. I always wanted to try a rice ball so for me it was dream come true! After I was done, I tried the coffee cheese cake. It was delicious like heaven for my taste buds. The flavor was rich but also had a light airy quality to it sort of like Jello. My drink was a vanilla milkshake that was delightfully pleasant and sweet as sugar. The food I ordered was very good and the atmosphere was so cute and had a homey feeling. The maid Café also offered music, like Starbucks that plays music for the customer’s enjoyment. Except the music at the Maid Café is in Japanese and they even sell the CD with all their songs. Speaking of merchandise, the Maid Café also sells adorable little trinkets. From stickers to bows to book bags, the prices ranged as well. My friend and ended up buying matching black and white fuzzy bow bracelets with a bell on it because we thought it was Kawaii (Cute) and it was affordable for what we had on us that day. Next time, if I go I’m bringing more money so I can get some more stuff there.

As we was leaving, I looked over to my friend and she was attempting to tie the bracelet on her own, I realized that that was the first time I actually did hang out with her non-school related and I had a great time. Kin and friendships are very important in life to maintain sanity and a social life and to just be whom you are, stress free without the hassle and bustle of work or academic responsibilities for a while. Its also nice that you can travel in your own city to new places and experience new things. It is kind of like traveling in your own back yard.

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