Six Flags | Teen Ink

Six Flags

March 17, 2014
By LauraR BRONZE, Astoria, New York
LauraR BRONZE, Astoria, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We accept the love we think we deserve"
-The Perks of being a Wallflower

After three hours of being stuck in traffic and one hour of line waiting we finally made it inside the exciting world of Six flags. My right cheek was still marked with the shape of the hard metal piece from the car seat. Everyone was rushing to enter except me, and this was because I was really nervous to go inside, it was my first time there and I was completely terrified of heights. So why was I there? Well let’s just say I believe that it is always good to take new risks, to experience new feelings. I saw everyone rushing to the first ride, while I was still trying to see how high the superman rollercoaster was but the infrastructure of the sign did not allow me to see more than SUPER MAN.

“What are you waiting for? Let’s go, everyone is making the line already” Angel said

“Is the rollercoaster big, is it high? Because you know...”

“No it is not, in fact it is the smallest of all of the rides,” he anxiously said interrupting
my risk taking but cautious and responsible teenage role.

I was still not very convinced to do it but there I was, one step away from the wagon that would decide my future for the next five minutes .My body was frozen and the lady with the “are you getting in or not” face was looking at me straight into my eyes, crossing my frighten soul. I sat and quickly felt the push on the car. As it started to move I realized it was going up too soon, I forced my eyes to not open but it was too late, my eyes were as wide as an owl’s. I couldn’t see the end of this mountain; I couldn’t see the future of my life. My body was shaking so much that I felt my teeth polishing one another.
Arnold looked at my eyes and said, “Its all okay I’m here next to you, nothing is going to happen. The ride will be so fun you will want to go more than once”. I convinced my mouth to make a semi circle to make it seem like a smile. What is he saying? Everything is going to be okay? WHAT? Doesn’t he see we are about to fall into 415 feet? At this point I couldn’t stop thinking about ways to survive and as soon as I felt the car not moving again I realized we were seconds away from the fall. The feeling of my heart wanting to get out of my body was taking over me. I felt the smack on my face while breaking the wall of wind that was surrounding my body. People were screaming so loud I felt their voices penetrating my head. It was happening and there was nothing I could do to prevent it. After the feeling of two high falls I decided to open my eyes, the worst decision of the whole ride. I was about to experience the third fall and the car seemed to be going straight into the middle of the trees below us. I could feel the branches reaching for my face, wanting to wake me up from the adventurous night mire. All kinds of deep thinking questions came to my mind – What was I thinking when I got into the wagon? What if I die?- When I felt the wagon slowing down, I thought it was about to make another fall. My body was getting hard and prepared when I felt his finger poking my eye and said, “It’s over you can open your eyes now. See you are still alive and complete”. I slowly opened my eyes feeling reborn and realizing it had not been as bad as I expected it to be.
It is always very difficult to take risks, especially if it is something you are extremely terrified about, but it is worth it. Once you experience it you will realize how many things you have missed as a result of your fear. Even though this was only a roller coaster, it is kind of a metaphor for life. Whenever I am about to take a risk I remember this day and that I only have one chance to live. It is always good to try new things and to break the obstacles that are preventing me from discovering what life is offering.

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on Nov. 2 2016 at 6:06 pm
I like this thing to do it's