A Memorable Trip | Teen Ink

A Memorable Trip

March 17, 2014
By Manpreet BRONZE, East Elmhurst, New York
Manpreet BRONZE, East Elmhurst, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone exiting the airport, I could hear a flight attendant through the speaker, “All flights are cancelled, no flights will depart today.” On the other hand I could hear children crying and some smiling at me. The lady did not shut up; she kept on talking and talking and talking. As she cleared her voice and said, “Ladies and Gentlemen please be aware the flight 09867 has been cancelled for nine hours, thank you.” My mom started to panic and I started to suck my teeth and text my sister.

As we stood on the long line the guy in front of me had a croaky voice, I could smell his sweat, and he didn’t shave, making him look like he lived in the forest. The airport was big and beautiful; I could see the sun shining through the windows. It was a hot day better for the beach, but instead I was stuck here! There were so many people everywhere I felt like I was in the middle of Times Square or in a rush hour. After walking for two hours we finally made it out of the “rush hour”. Where I was standing near the main entrance, which was the boarding area, there were so many little children with enthusiasm, I felt like I was about to knock out.

Minutes later I saw a flight attendant coming over to me he was cute like one of those puppies you see on your friend’s instagram and make you say “awww.” The dream guy for every girl, blue eyes blonde hair as I said, “Good morning” to him, he smiled. His white teeth could shine from miles away. His voice was warm every time he passed by everyone got quiet, but every time he talked it was like heaven. As he approached my mom he introduced himself and said, “Miss. Kaur we have booked you and your daughter a hotel, the taxi will arrive in twenty minutes. Please be ready”, my mom constantly thanking him, my eyes were glued to his eyes there were bright blue like the ocean.

As we were leaving the airport he was walking along, I started to read the signs. There was this big sign, with large letters indicating the location, Abu Dhabi. I had no clue what this spot looked like or where we landed. I exited the airport with a puzzled look; the taxi guy smiled. He looked like a captain from far away dressed in professional clothes and wearing a hat, with shiny black dress shoes. He was a great gentleman, as he was starting to put our luggage in the car; he kept on pushing his short neck length light brown hair back.

I was about to sit in the taxi and I turned around and waved by to him while my mom was on her phone texting her friend. The driver started to explain everything to me, how men and women are treated differently here. I could feel the cold breeze on my face coming from the air conditioner; I started to examine the place with my eyes. Beautiful big palm trees everywhere, I felt like I was in Florida. I didn’t see one person walking on the street; everyone was in their own cars or in their big mansion looking houses. The spot was so quiet not a single bird was flying or chirping.

As I got to my destination two people walked towards the car and opened my door. Both of them had a big grin on their face, both dressed in black suits. As I got out of the taxi I felt like I was at the red carpet and was a celebrity. Bright red carpets everywhere not a leaf or feather or dust on the floor.

When I entered the hotel with my mom, everyone said, “Welcome to Holiday Inn and Welcome to Abu Dhabi”. The smell got stronger as I walked in the hotel it smelled like fresh flowers. From that day on, this trip was amazing. I learned something new every hour, in the world it seems like women and men are equal. But in Abu Dhabi women and men are treated totally different. I’m happy I’m living in a world where some women and men are treated equal.

The author's comments:
I picked this piece because every time I travel I always remember my trip how great it was. How much fun I had with my mom. I hope people start to write about their trips, so they can remember it forever.

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