Under the Moon | Teen Ink

Under the Moon

March 17, 2014
By Hemanjali BRONZE, Astoria, New York
Hemanjali BRONZE, Astoria, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The clock read 4:36 am and I could feel the bags under my eyes. It was too early to be up for a vacation. However, there was a bus to catch and another island awaiting my arrival.

I dragged my suitcase along the empty corridors of the hotel towards the entrance. Most of the group was already gathered by the door, chatting away. I made my way over to my parents and told them I wanted to cross the street to the beach, just to savor my last time- for now at least- and to take it all in. They agreed with reluctance.

I crossed the deserted road, heading towards the beach. Although it was the morning, it wasn’t close to sunrise. There was no hint that it would even be dawn soon. Everything was pitch black. The streetlights dimly illuminated the sidewalk. It was as if the city was trying to set a mood.

I toed off my sandals, leaving them on the sidewalk and walked barefoot on the sand, which was still surprisingly warm. I couldn’t see the ocean, but I could hear the waves. The waves weren’t roaring the way they usually do in other places. That was something I noticed about this specific place. Day or night, the waves were unnaturally calm. The waves were gentle and soft just like the arms of the ocean’s surrounding blue. However, when you’re engulfed in darkness, the soft, tranquil ocean seems vigorous. I was scared because I couldn’t see how the ocean felt. Heck, I could have been standing an inch away from the water, but I couldn’t tell because of the darkness.

There was a glimpse of natural light over what seemed to be water in the distance. I squinted and looked up and there was the moon. How could I not have noticed it when I stepped out of the resort?

The moon was suspended in the early black sky, glowing its radiant light around itself creating an aura. I have never seen the moon as full and gigantic as it was that night. The top of the palm trees and the ocean waters in the distance basked in the moonlight. Everything was still. It was like a frozen moment in time.

I was completely awestruck. The moon has never been so… up close and personal like how it was that night. The moon doesn’t even shine that bright in New York because of the city lights that outshine the stars and moon in the sky.

My upper body felt cold and goose bumps burst out along my arms as the cool morning breeze licked my exposed skin. I wiggled my toes, digging my feet deeper into the sand so I could feel get rid of the goose bumps, but it didn’t work. Despite the cold feeling, I felt alive. I felt as if my heart was as big as the moon and the stars twinkling through my bloodstream. I was one with nature and I felt at peace with myself.

I thanked the stars, the very stars that were being out shone by the moon that morning that I agreed to this trip. I was prepared to see what the rest of the Hawaiian Islands had to offer me.

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