Different Style | Teen Ink

Different Style

May 12, 2014
By Joy Kim BRONZE, Chiang Mai, Other
Joy Kim BRONZE, Chiang Mai, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Every culture has a different style of living. It might not be noticeable but by only looking at the different styles of the houses people live in, it shows a little about the characteristics of the people. The three places I have recently visited and lived in are South Korea, Thailand, and the United States of America. South Korea is the smallest country out of all three and because it is a country with a small amount of land, their homes are built as an apartments, living on top of each other. Thailand is the medium sized country out of all three, and the homes for these people are town house which they are living next to each other. One of the biggest countries in the world and the biggest out of the three countries, U.S.A, has homes that have spaces and are individualized. By simply looking at the different kinds of houses, it shows a little bit of how different people might think.

When I went to visit South Korea, most of the people live in apartments. South Korean people mostly live in apartments because the land size is too small to spread out. By seeing people living in apartments together shows a lot of unity within the people. Koreans are very unified, especially if they are in different places where they are not used to. So they would have good unity with friends they know or even with people they don’t really know, they might be awkward at first but later gets along with each other because they are comfortable being with them. But by living in the apartment doesn't only show unity but it also shows that Korean people have a lot of competition going on with each other because living in the apartment shows that the people are living on top of each other. Especially in education, Korean moms have a lot of competition with teaching their children more and better then the kid living next door. Because they want their kids to be better, they would send their children to the same academy as the kid living next door kid goes after school and would make them go to one more place than that kid, so that their child looks better and smarter. Like living in the apartment, the Korean people are easily united and build friendship among each other, while trying to compete that is better than the others silently.

In Thailand, I see most of the houses that the people live in are town houses and houses that look as if it is one house but it is divided in to two homes. This shows that people all live in similar house structure but very different style by how they decorate the inside. Thai people don’t really show their feelings a lot but smile all the time. And because Thai people believe in karma, they are very nice to others and help them but they do it for their own good. So, it is never known if the people are doing kind things because they like you or because they believe in karma. It is similar to the houses that they live in because the houses are all stuck together to support each other and have the same structure outside but it is not known how the houses are decorated inside.

When I went to the United States, the people there were living in individual houses that might be only the one standing on the hill or even in a village; they are all a little bit separated. All of the houses have different styles and have their own unique structure in the house. This shows a good example how the Americans are very independent and they are different as the houses having a lot of different thoughts about different things. Like the houses they are living in, the people living in the United States are very free from others and have many different kinds of unique things about them.

Every culture has a different kind of shelter and a living style. Because of where they live and how they live, it represents how different the people’s live style is. South Korea, Thailand, and United States of America are countries with different land mass and different shelters and this shows a little bit of how people are very different, not only by their looks, but how they live. It was cool to see how the shelter of certain places shows a little about the characteristics of people.

The author's comments:
This was written when I noticed how different style of houses actually showed the way people where living in.

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