Foreigner | Teen Ink


May 26, 2014
By DHJY123 BRONZE, Chiang Mai, Other
DHJY123 BRONZE, Chiang Mai, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

This is a story of Daniel Yuk’s first year and first time of going to Korean school, when he was in fifth grade. Daniel is a missionary kid who has been in Myanmar since he was two years old. He has visited to Korea but only for a year, in his fifth year of elementary; and attended the Korean school. Everything was new to him and awkward since, he shifted from undeveloped country to developed country. This was his first experience becoming a foreigner and an alien to his home country, people.

On the first day of the school, Daniel was full of caution and nevourseness. Walking down the street passing by busy adults, and passing by kids going to school, he was just looking straight ahead to make sure he wasn’t going a wrong way or getting lost in the unfriendly place, even though he was where he was born, Korea felt unfriendly, not only because Korea was more developed than Myanmar but also because Daniel wasn’t really confident with the environment. When Daniel stepped into the Korean school he had felt something different from international schools. There were many students about his age. They were running around, talking, playing games (both sports and electronics). Everything was new to him. As Daniel was brought to his class he had to stand in front of them, the cacophony of the students settled down. Silence flowed through the class and everyone was staring at him as if they haven’t seen such a guy quite like Daniel. The difference between Daniel and students was the reason why the students were staring. Daniel had darker skin then them, his clothes were old fashioned compared to the students too. Daniel felt like a foreigner for the first time in Korea.

Daniel became a foreigner again when he was in English class in the Korean school. Since, he was a student from international school, his English was better than the other students in his class. Daniel started to show his fluent English speaking in front of all the students. Everyone cheered and gathered around Daniel after English class. They asked him to be in their group for the English class. They were looking up to him. He was pretty happy about it, that he had something different from them, in a good way. However, still he was separated by his classmates in other classes except P.E. To them Daniel was a great friend but only in English class.

The evidence of being foreigner to the students was shown as the time past. Daniel started to get alienated and students started to tease. The cats have started their joke on a mouse. They were cats and Daniel was a mouse. He was last pick for everything except playing sports and studying English. He felt both a flame of anger and rain of sadness. No one really become best friends with him. He was just alien to them. They were all born in the same country with same nationality, citizenship, and language, but Daniel was alien among the same aged friends. He was a foreigner to them and they were foreigner to him.

However, in last Daniel wasn’t foreigner to them, anymore. Daniel’s time in Korea was almost over. He started to make friends as he got familiar with them. Time has helped to solve the problem. But, what really made them friends and real brothers under the name of Korea was their heart. When they heard that Daniel was moving back to Myanmar, they had made cards. There were many apologizing cards with promises to be friends when he comes back. Daniel was impressed and happy. However, that wasn’t it! They asked Daniel if he had time after school. They were planning to play with him at their secret place. They also gave Daniel presents like game cards, toys, and game cds. Daniel was a foreigner, but now he is one of them.

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