Korean Culture | Teen Ink

Korean Culture

November 19, 2014
By Anonymous

            I was born in USA but I grew up in South Korea. So, I know well about Korean culture. When I was in Korea, my ordinary daily schedule was kind of tough. Because I woke up at 6 a. m and my high school started 7:30. The school ended 4:30, then I had to stay in school until 10 p. m to do self-study. While I was living in Korea, I could experience most of Korean Culture. My daily schedule is related to High School culture.

There are many different culture things in Korea. Education is one of them, and the other one is about food.  My family used to eat rice with some side dishes. Most famous Korean foods are Kimchi, Bulgogi, and Bibimbob. Kimchi is one of side dish that Koreans used to eat. It tastes kind of spicy but it's really good for health, because it helps to prevent SARS and other diseases. Bulgogi and Bibimbob are traditional food. I also eat them often. Moreover, I heard that foreign country people also like them a lot.  Furthermore, I think the most different culture is related to house.  In Korea, when people enter their home or visit friends home, they have to take off their shoes before they get in a hall way. Because, they thought that is a manner for house and to keep a house from getting dirty on floor.
Moreover, we also have similar culture which is about thanksgiving. In Korea, we called thanksgiving "Chuseok". I always visit my uncle's house during Chuseok. But, the difference between thanksgiving and chuseok are food and memorial service. we celebrate chuseok, making rice cake which is called songpyeon and performing an ancestral sacrifice to wish my family's bless. I traveled many countries that means I have experienced lots of cultures. It's always fun and interesting.  Finding similarities and differences between cultures also helps me to understand other cultures. I hope to   experience lots of cultures as many as I can. 

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