travel and culture contest | Teen Ink

travel and culture contest

December 4, 2014
By Anonymous

When I think about my personal travel and cultural experiences one place sticks out of all, the Bahamas. It was a different experience for me. My family and I had to drive 14 hours from Morganfield Kentucky to Jacksonville Florida. From there we got on a carnival crew ship, the ship was called the fascination. It was an awesome boat and I couldn’t wait for the voyage ahead. When we left the port in Jacksonville I was so excited to see new things. I was ready to meet new people and explore new regions of the world. We stopped at three ports in the Bahamas and I am going to explain to you the experiences I had at these different ports.
The first place my family and I stopped was Nassau. At first when I saw it I was shocked. I was on an island for the first time. It was so cultural based and so different than anything I had ever laid my eyes on. My family and I went into this one huge store that only sold t-shirts I was so excited to get a shirt from Nassau. There were so many to choose from and it took me a long time to pick one that satisfied me. My family and I walked around the island and talked to the people till dark then headed back to the ship to voyage to our new stopping place.
The second place my family I stopped was called Freeport harbor. It was amazing there. When my family and I got off we had to meet our tour guide that drove us to a beach. This beach was amazing and the water was so clear. We swam for a little bit and found shells. Then before we left we got to snorkel out and try to find sea creatures. We found a huge reef it was full of schools of fish and stingrays and blowfish. It was such an awesome place. After we left the beach we went around to the vendors that were selling homemade dolls and dresses. It was very amazing to see how they made those things out of material they just found on the ground or washed up on the shore. At around 5 our tour guide meet us back and we headed back to the ship to go to yet another port and explore the Bahamas.
The third and final place my family and I went was Blue Lagoon Island. It was an amazing island. When we first got there we had to get wrist bands so people knew why we were there. My family and I also snorkeled on this island but we ran into something that we didn’t expect. While my family and I were snorkeling we ran into a school of baby sharks. My family and I tried to follow the sharks but they were just too fast then while I was off by self I ran into a starfish that I picked up and showed my family. The creature were so cool but that night we had to go back to the ship and head back to Jacksonville and then from there drive another 14 hours back to Morganfield Ky.
I hope you have enjoyed my travel and cultural experience. I know it was amazing for me and would go back in the blink or an eye. My family and had a great time exploring new things and I hope you and your family can to.

The author's comments:

it was a greta experience for my family and i

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