My Adventure In Mexico | Teen Ink

My Adventure In Mexico

January 25, 2015
By Jules_gioia BRONZE, Pilesgrove, New Jersey
Jules_gioia BRONZE, Pilesgrove, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Something about getting on a plane, flying across the world, and seeing a new country excites me. When you travel to a new country, you get into a routine of someone who already lives there. Yes of course it’s going to feel surreal at first, but then after a few days you begin to feel comfortable there. It begins feels like a second home in a way. The feeling of not knowing what you’re going to experience or see in this country is exciting and makes you get nerves in a good way.

I travel quite often; I’ve been to Italy, Aruba, Atlantis, Disney, and Mexico (just to name a few). I absolutely love exploring a new country and getting to see a new part of the world. The way the people live life in that country is especially what interests me, because every country/ culture is different, everyone lives in a certain way, and its very intriguing getting to see a different way to live life.

Today I’m going to tell you about my trip to Mexico. It was unlike any trip I’d ever been on before. It was adventurous, beautiful, fun, and so relaxing. When I was told we were going to Mexico in July I was really excited but I had no idea what it was going to be like. I got really giddy and nerves because I mean going to a new country and exploring a new culture is so fun and exciting to even just think about.

Now I’m not going to tell you what we did each day.  I’m just going to tell you about the fun and really cool stuff we did and saw. There were adventure parks in Mexico. These weren’t just any parks, to say the least. The first park we went to was called “Excaret” we went cave swimming in pitch-black caves with bats. Don’t worry we didn’t get attacked by any; I just almost peed myself every time I looked up. The caves were actually beautiful especially when you got out of them and you were just swimming outside. There were vines, flowers, waterfalls, and even a stain glass filled cave with a statue in the center. It was an amazing experience. The next thing we did at “Excaret” was swim in nature pools. “What are nature pools”, you must be asking. Well natural pools are pools made by the earth and ocean. Basically at the bottom of a cliff there are two circler pools surrounded by stones to prevent you from drifting out into the roaring sea. The waves crash into the pools, thus making a naturel pool. But the really cool thing about these pools was first they were like wave pools because they had you moving all around and second because my family and I were the first ones to get into the naturel pools thus making every one else want to get in. So we kind of got everyone to get into the pools. The last thing we did at “Excaret” was going in this really cool machine that took you up thousands of feet to see Mexico and all the beautiful scenery. It was simply breathtaking. Those were the main really cool things we did at “Excaret”, now lets move on to the really adventures things we did in Mexico. If you seek adventure and exploration in Mexico then “Explore”(another “park”) was the place to be. We went there to zip line. The morning of the day we went zip lining I thought I was going to vomit I was so nerves. I have to admit its very nerve racking. I knew I was going to do it but it had felt like a whole swarm of butterflies were let lose into my stomach. We first had to get our harness’s on and then we had to wait in a two-hour -long line. You weren’t just waiting in this line you were climbing up countless amounts of stairs to get to this castle thing where you would zip line 250 feet up in the air. The first time I went with my brother because I was a bit apprehensive, but after that I did it on my own and it was incredible and invigorating. We got to go down a water slide in the middle of our zip lining, and then we got to zip line right through a waterfall. It was amazing and so cool. The next thing we did was hammock zip lining, which was my personal favorite. Basically you don’t have any harness’s you just sit in a hammock and zip right down into the water. My brother and I went side by side to see who could make it down fastest, and lets just say I won. The last thing we did at “Explore” was ride in terrain vehicles. It was so fun; we got a jeep and followed a bumpy and dark path. It was very different to say the least, we were laughing, screaming and just having a good time. Therefore, my time in Mexico was an adventure.

  The things I experienced in Mexico will always hold an important place in my memories. My trip to Mexico was simply incredible and a bit life changing. I enjoyed it so much I want to go back again sometime real soon.               

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This article has 1 comment.

mrcsnyder said...
on Jan. 29 2015 at 9:48 pm
Great article! I felt like I was there and it seemed like a beautiful place to go. Very adventurous and thrilling to say the least. Thanks for sharing. Mr. Snyder