Fox River | Teen Ink

Fox River

April 20, 2015
By outdoor SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
outdoor SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Fox River was founded by the first Europeans to reach the Fox-- with the French, beginning with Jean Nicolet in 1634. The Fox River is a historical place in Waukesha because it was a resource for Native Americans. It see easy to recognize because there is a fox made out of stone on every corner on the bridge above the river. It is a great place to catch catfish If the little ones get tired of fishing, they can play on the playground. The Fox River stretches from one state to another. The Fox River is also a great places to canoe or take a boat ride. Fishing in Fox River can be fun and if you're not catching fish in one spot, you can move and move until you find a spot that has lots of fish and room for fishing.

The Fox River and the park are areas in Waukesha. They bring families closer and make a family have a fun and a enjoyable time every time they go. The Fox River and the park in Waukesha is the best and most historical place that I think of in Waukesha. Fox River and park in Waukesha is what makes Waukesha beautiful and a place families of any shape or size can go. I have never been there but I have driven over the bridge a bunch of times and I know what’s mostly in there from what people have told me.

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