Disney World Suprise! | Teen Ink

Disney World Suprise!

September 18, 2015
By rileylamb BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
rileylamb BRONZE, Monticello, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
With God, all things are possible.

Some day in August: So today was the big day! were going to holiday world! We usually go every year but I asked my dad if we could go for a little bit longer and he said yes. So we got up early in the morning and got all of our stuff in the car.

It was alot of stuff! I said “dad why do we need all this stuff?! And he said “because were going for a couple days more than we did last year”. I thought that was awesome. We were in bloomington for some reason and I asked my dad if we were going the right way and he said yes. It didnt seem like the right way but I just went with it because knowing my dad I thought he had a backroad or something. We were driving and I saw an airport and pointed it out not knowing that thats where we were going. My mom said she had to use the bathroom so we pulled into this airport. I said “dad theres a mcdonalds right across the street!, this is going to take the longest time to use the bathroom!

Once we pulled up put in front of the airport my dad went to the back of the car and grabbed our suitcases! I said “dad what are you doing”! He pulled out the disney majic band box and me and my brothers jaws dropped. We were freaking out because they suprised us. I was mostly freaking out because the last time I had flown was when I was like 2. I was really excited though. We walked into the airport and got our tickets and then we went and sat by our gate. We had an hour and thrity minute delay time. So me and my brother watched Youtube videos on the wifi lol.

We watched our plane arrive. We were flying with delta. I was so nervous, they had a snack cart in the airport so we could get free snacks and things. After our 1: 30 minute  wait time we saw our plane arrive. I was really nervous because the only other time I had flown was when I was 2! I was sooooo scared. We all boarded the plane and the attendant went over the procedures and making sure that the person sitting my the emergency doors were willing to assist in case of an emergency blah blah blah,talking about all that didn't make me feel any better. 

The pilot got on and said that we were about to take off in a moment and that were being taxied to the runway at the moment. The engines started powering up and I was getting more nervous by the minute. But hey there's free Wi-Fi at 10,000 feet so I should be good! We got to the end of the runway and I could tell we were about to start going. Vroooooooossssssshhhhh he hammered the throttle down hard and about 20 second we were of the ground we were rising in altitude and I was feeling it in my stomach. I had to sit by the window so I could see for the first time. It was so cool seeing the whole city and once we got over the clouds and you couldn't see anything but miles of big puffy cumulus clouds. The thing that scared me the most was the turbulence and the first plane we flew on was smaller and had a lot of it. We flew for about an hour and ,20 minutes and we arrived in georgia one of the busiest airports in the world! This is going to be a great vacation.

The author's comments:

I love writing about recent memories because while your writing about them little things come back to you thst you forgot about.

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