Under the Shade We Flourish | Teen Ink

Under the Shade We Flourish

December 14, 2015
By Anonymous

I have a habit of not being able to sleep at night. Usually, I’ll get up, maybe drink some water or pick out a book to calm my growing irritation and fatigue. But that night, I wasn’t in my comfortable bed at home. That night, as I walked out the creaky wooden front door to our makeshift cabin, I wasn’t irritated or fatigued.

During the winter of 2013, I got to experience something most kids my age typically don’t have the luxury of seeing. The plane to this South American pearl wasn’t very comfortable, with dozens of people crowded into a small plane. When we arrived, it was evident how impoverished the area was. Only one airstrip to land on and one long line off the plane to get into the city. The car ride wasn’t much better. The incredibly bumpy ride through the dense forest and no food in our stomachs, it didn’t seem like a great start to our trip. The hotel was much nicer than we anticipate, with beautiful scenery and friendly workers. Throughout the trip we tried many new thing, such as underwater cave climbing and cave tubing. The one day that stood out most to me was our last day. Our tour guide drove us down to a local village to take part in an excursion. Just walking around made me realize how fortunate I am. The people, living in their small houses painted beautiful and vibrant colors, letting livestock and pets roam free in the streets, living off whatever they can grow on their land. We live in a country where we can walk down the street and have hot and ready meals, basic everyday needs, even the new iPhone. After that trip, if I ever feel like i’m taking advantage of all the good things that i’m so lucky to have, I remember how privileged I am.

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